Power Kite Forum

First kite

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 02:37 PM

Ive been doing alot of reading on here since last night when I signed up and I think Ill be making a purchase here in the next 2 weeks so I have some time to do more research and gather opinions.

Ok well Im a 26 year old guys (145 lbs.) who loves trying new things. Im into all kinds of "extream" sports so I figured why not add kites to the list.

Now from alot of reading, Im already seeing an answer to one of my questions but Id like a little more feed back on it. Obviously this will be my first kite. Id love to have a kite that will be pretty good to learn on (who wouldnt) BUT that I could use in the future to start jumping with.

Now I know jumping isnt for a beginner and I would not attempt it untill I was 100% confident with my abilities to even fly the kite.

Is there such a kite available? I fear there prob. isnt...lol.

I live only a few minutes from the beach so I have pretty good winds most days.

Sthrasher38 - 2-6-2008 at 02:53 PM

Oh man did you open a can of worms.:smilegrin: Welcome to the forum. You live by the beach? Lucky man. I am not sure what to recommend I had a kite for each one for learning then one to jump with. Lets see what others say. Hang in there.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 03:14 PM

Haha I figured.

"Look at the new guy thinking he can just go and start jumping right away!"

Im honestly not in a hurry to learn jumping. I was just wondering if there was a kite that was capable in both aspects.

If not Id be more than happy just to stand there and fly it :)

Sthrasher38 - 2-6-2008 at 03:27 PM

Oh yea! Lots. The Blades are noted for jumping but not for a first kite.

SCREWYFITS - 2-6-2008 at 04:20 PM

Hey _____,

This is the question all newbs want to know so hopefully you won't get too much flack on it... also you'll probably get peoples opinion based on their quiver and personal preference...

One way to make the educated decision on a first kite is determine a price range, then figure the wind range that you'll be getting in your area (the beach "dreaming" smooth and consistent, very good for a fast learning curve) this will determine a good size to purchase... I recommend the least expensive possible so when you get hooked (because you will) you'll have the extra $ to spend on the second and third kite... IMO look into the Pansh & HQ brand kites both make inexpensive kites... and give great bang for the buck... then save for the jumping kites...

Good luck and be safe...

Bladerunner - 2-6-2008 at 04:23 PM

Unfortunately you are right.
It kind of goes like this. In order to learn to fly the kite you NEED something smaller. It's usually suggested to get a 3meter 4 line to get started. At 3m you have a small enough kite to work things out of but big enough that you won't want to sell it. It will just end up the kite you fly in higher and higher winds. It will have plenty of power to drag you around and scare the pants off of you :yes:. It will even have enough power to lift you. :borg:

Now the catch ......... It is generally accepted that it's not very safe to jump with a kite smaller than 5m. You need some canopy to float once you get lifted so bigger is better ( to a point ) .
People that I have heard from that started with a kite bigger than 5m most often regretted going that route and often hurt themselves bad.

Buy a quality 3m and you will never sell it. I have NEVER heard of a person buying a 3m HQ Beamer and saying it was a rotten deal. Usually they rave. It's a great package with everything you need in a top quality back pack. It has all the extras you will need like a kite stake , kite killers and a DVD instruction. With many other kites you need to buy that stuff after.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 04:38 PM

Thanks guys. Thats the answer I was expecting so my feelings arent hurt :)

Id love to buy the Beamer III from dlish89 but it will prob be gone before I can scrape enough cash together. If it isnt Ill def pick it up after all the reviews I have read on here and all the posative talk about em.

If I cant get that I was thinking about a Pansh Blaze or Legend.

KiteProject - 2-6-2008 at 05:30 PM

Start small before you commit time and money to power kiting. Spend hours keeping a power kite in air. I recommend starting with a dual line kite, something like a Prism Stylus P2/P3/P4. Once you've mastered the kite, you can undo the dual-line bridal to a quad-line and then fly it as a quad-line kite. Make sure you get a stake.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 05:33 PM

I think Im over the 2 line kites. Iva had my fun with stunt kites and want to move on to bigger and better things ;)

KiteProject - 2-6-2008 at 05:51 PM

Have you checked out Profoil? They are on 50% sale as the owner is liquidating his inventory. They are amazing value and great kites.


_____ - 2-6-2008 at 05:59 PM

Yea but the 3.5's are all sold already. Do you guys think a 2.5 is too small?

SCREWYFITS - 2-6-2008 at 06:11 PM

I think I understand this and I'm sure you noticed... but just in case you missed and don't care about color, there is a 3.5 still for sale it's just the color is neopink/black and white...

I think Dlish sold that new Beamer today, and if I'm not mistaken he has a used one :puzzled: for sale... don't quot me, just check him out, and he can get one if he doesn't have it...

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 06:15 PM

Yea I was trying to pick up his used one. I shot him a u2u but havent heard back. Well I got till payday and will be heading to the OBX next weekend which just so happens to be pay day :)

Wonder if I can score any good deals down there during the festival.

WELDNGOD - 2-6-2008 at 06:40 PM

Jason , my first kite was a 2.5 flexi rage. I still break it out when it's 25+.Jumping will come after you gain control and experience what not to do!(you don't wanna find out with a big kite):o

WELDNGOD - 2-6-2008 at 06:46 PM

due to Cobia season, I won't be at the festival:wow: I get to fly year round, but the cobia bite is at a peak in mid-june so I gotta fish n kite on the beach:thumbup:.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 06:56 PM

Sucks that you wont make it down. Id like to meet as many locals as I can but since we are close by Im sure that will come in due time :)

Are there good deals to be had down there or would I be better ordering off line? I didnt know if they might sell demos or used kites or if Kitty Hawk Kites might have a sale going.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 06:57 PM

Oh and I should be looking for a 3m kite or somthing close to 3m right? 2.5-3.5m?

WELDNGOD - 2-6-2008 at 07:17 PM

Yeah, that would be good for ya. We get alot of gusty wind around as you know,it can make learning scary at times. If you want to come out to grandview this weekend ,I could let you try some of my kit . Me and the wife will be cobia fishin ,and I will be flying something.Your welcome to come out

WELDNGOD - 2-6-2008 at 07:21 PM

I don't know how prices are down there, but it's touron season. So I would think they will be a little pricey. I get my flexis from Cobra Kites in NJ online.they are fast and reliable. I have also bought some pansh kites,they are allright but it is hard to beat Ozone and flexis quality standards.

DAKITEZ - 2-6-2008 at 07:30 PM

take weldongod up on his offer:thumbup:
actually flying a kite goes sooo much further than reading about it.

_____ - 2-6-2008 at 07:35 PM

I may just have to take you up on that offer weldngod :D

WELDNGOD - 2-6-2008 at 07:39 PM

u2u me friday eve and I'll tell ya how get there . It's a great beach hardly any people.You gotta walk aways but it's worth it.

_____ - 3-6-2008 at 11:56 AM

Will do sir.

coppertop31 - 4-6-2008 at 01:01 PM

  • posted on 6-2-2008 at 06:40 PM
    Jason , my first kite was a 2.5 flexi rage. I still break it out when it's 25+.Jumping will come after you gain control and experience what not to do!(you don't wanna find out with a big kite):o

    What do you mean learn what not to do with a big kite? Like powering up while flying it through the zone when flying static? I assume with the big kites you keep them high in the window and only power up when they are high in the window so you only create upward lift and not a ton of forward lift (unless you are on a landboard?)

    WELDNGOD - 4-6-2008 at 05:32 PM

    little things like launching in zone,riding way overpowered or using a kite that is too big for the conditions.And smaller kites are generally more responsive with less effort.Big kites can be a handful .If you are just learning to buggy you don't want to start on a big one until you experience an OBE or two with a little one. and some little kites are just dangerous (pansh ACE .2.0) lots of lift in 25+ but no float, drops you like rock after launching you like a rocket. It's the scariest kite I got.You would never think that little red piece of nylon could fling you like a doll. But if you fly it horizontal in the window you can change lift into lateral pull but way fast. But with a big high lift kite you would pull so hard you will lose the ability to hold the line( it would drag you sideways) or flip your buggy or tear you arms off:D

    coppertop31 - 5-6-2008 at 09:57 AM

    yeah thats what I figured, just make sure launching at the edge and not in the power zone and be sure not to create lateral pull and dont fly in too windy conditions and should be fine with a bigger kite....
    I see how you can create lift with the trainer but of course its a trainer so its only a small amount.

    WELDNGOD - 5-6-2008 at 03:13 PM

    ya gotta plan ahead w / big kite,they are way slower to turn. And it all comes down to what ya wanna do.Like me, I like to cruise on the boardbut I don't wanna get air(43 y.o shipyard worker since I was 18, f@#$## up knees don't land well) And I also buggy but I use diff kites for each usually, it just depends on conditions. Always keep in the back of your mind when you fly big, if a big gust comes outta nowhere look out. I have had my rage 2.5 throw me 20 ft and hurt my fingertips from being snatched out so hard and quik(like I slammed my hands down on a table really hard). I was flying in high wind and got tired so I sat down and flew the kite to zenith to take a break.All of the sudden I was supermanning across the beach about 6-8 ft in the air, handles ripped out of my hand so violently, I'm tellin ya my fingertips HURT! Never underestimate the power of the WIND ,even w/ a 2.5

    coppertop31 - 5-6-2008 at 05:11 PM

    wow thats crazy! I wouldnt fly in high winds anyway, even over 15mph feels like too much. I'm just lookin to use like a 10m to jump on land for now...