Power Kite Forum

Montana 1 7.0 :?:

silvereaglekiter - 4-6-2008 at 08:06 PM

I know its an older model but is it to out of date???

any thoughts . :thumbup::thumbdown::puzzled:

dgkid78 - 5-6-2008 at 06:41 PM

I have the Montana 7.0 II, I never flew the 1. During my research before buying the II , read up that the II did alot better with back stalling and all turning quickly. The New Montana III just takes everything the others lacked completly improved and supposedly better by leaps and bounds. Can't wait to get my hands on the III someday. Maybe when the 4 comes out i will get the 3 in a blowout sale. I seen the Montana 1 on ebay before for the same price as a Montana 2 . obviously i would prob go with the 2 :D Karfi has the Montana 2 7.0m for sale here U2U him

silvereaglekiter - 5-6-2008 at 07:11 PM

lucky I finally got out bid :thumbup: I thought it was a deal at first but after research i'm glad i wont win it