Power Kite Forum

Fargo, ND

girl flyer - 6-6-2008 at 11:11 AM

I am just starting to get into power kiting and am looking for others in the area to get some tips/tricks.

kitemaker4 - 6-6-2008 at 05:16 PM

Welcome to the forum. I am located on the gulf coast so it is not possible to meet up sometime.

Susan (npw goddess)

Scudley - 13-6-2008 at 05:50 AM

After the thread "Girls Who Kite" I am amazed that you have not been inundated with proposals of marriage from lonely boy kiters of all ages willing to relocate to teach you and share their quivers by now. Alas, I live in Vancouver BC and already have a sweetie who buggys. She like to go really fast, and backwards. Eat your hearts out guys.

(Having a girl friend who buggys does have its drawbacks: she took over my Libre Special; she is mad at me not because I kite too much, but because she is not always available to come when I go; when the wind is low, she is constantly borrowing my ten meter; she is always claiming (she says reminding me) that she is faster than me. One the whole though I would have to say Becky ROCKS )

furbowski - 13-6-2008 at 06:17 AM


welcome to the forum!

i'm teaching my neices how to fly when i get to bc canada, but i live in hk and so had to learn on my own, and lurked here and on other forums for quite a few months while i was learning. and the learning part feels like its just getting started! don't get me wrong, i fly for fun, but the learning's (usually) part of the fun...

lots of advice to be had here if you can give more info.

flexiblade - 13-6-2008 at 06:26 PM

Not from your area - but I'll help with anything you want to know. What type of winds are you dealing with in your neck of the woods right now? What kind of kite do you have or are planning to get (everyone here will tell you its a guarantee that it won't be your last)? Do you plan on static flying (standing still), buggying, boarding, jumping (variation of static with the obvious difference of jumping - there are techniques to doing it right and safely)?

... oh and welcome to the forum - hope we can get you off on the right foot to some good kiting!

redtailin - 5-10-2008 at 09:35 PM

Good to see another from North Dakota on here. Im at school in Grand Forks, and Im just getting into the sport. Know of any great kiting spots in the area?

It seems like there are a few that are pretty into kiting out in west ND, including the guys that kited across ND to raise awareness for wind energy. Im sure they would be happy to help with some basics if you could get ahold of them. Also, it looks like there is a guy here in GF that actually teaches and gives snowkiting lessons.

weaver.ca - 13-12-2008 at 09:19 AM


I just moved into the Fargo area and am looking for any kiters around here, with these winds I figured they would have been comming out of the woodwork....but so far I'm considered the wirdo with a kite...lol

Anyways anybody out there if your interested let me know and we could get together in the new year.

- Chris

redtailin - 14-12-2008 at 09:53 PM

I dont know about the Fargo area, but here in Grand forks people started coming out of the woodwork when they saw us kiting from the roads and such. Turns out the guy that created snowkiting.com actually lives in Grand Forks. He did a premier of the Dimensions snowkite film in downtown grand forks about a week ago and there was a pretty good turn out of people both interested and those who are already active in kiting. you are welcome to head up north anytime and kite with us!

how would you like to be kiting in the blizzard that just passed through? pretty wicked huh?

SeanDehr - 20-11-2013 at 01:15 PM

I just moved to Fargo, got a 9.5 sqMeter kite before i left MT. Can't afford a beginner kite yet, but i'm jones'n to shralp some gnar gnar. any beginner/enthusiasts/teachers in Fargo should meet up. (or get dragged around on our faces together!) Chris/Girl Flyer?

pongnut - 20-11-2013 at 03:46 PM

Welcome to PKF!

You may want to keep an eye on an annual kite event held on Mille Lacs lake in MN for this coming season - it draws lots of kiters of all levels and would be a good way to pick up some tips from the more experienced kiters. Google LAKAWA.