nwsurfwakeskate - 11-6-2008 at 09:47 AM
can anybody tell me what the difference is between the NPW5 and NPW9?
which one is better? and why?
action jackson - 11-6-2008 at 09:58 AM
Make way for susan, basicly the npw9 has a flater profile and has a slightly bigger window and foward speed.........aj
kitemaker4 - 11-6-2008 at 10:42 AM
I second what AJ said. The npw9 is the higher aspect ratio of the two. It is the nasa wing that I recomend.
Susan (npw goddess)
nwsurfwakeskate - 11-6-2008 at 11:18 AM
awindofchange - 11-6-2008 at 12:16 PM
Well.....the sail of the NPW 5 has 5 panels in it and the NPW9 has 9 panels. Each panel gives you attachment points for the bridles which allows the
NPW9 to have a more complex bridle which holds its shape better giving better power.
Susan can probably give a lot more info on this.
Bladerunner - 11-6-2008 at 01:22 PM
Did I not hear that the NPW 9 is still under copyright but that the 5 is a free for all pattern now ?
kitemaker4 - 11-6-2008 at 02:07 PM
I am not sure about the copyright but you can get free plans on the net.
Susan (npw gooddess)
Taper123 - 11-6-2008 at 03:35 PM
You mean like these...
BTW: I made one of the Tom-eee's. One day i should attach him to a kite just for laughs.
NPWfever - 12-6-2008 at 12:46 PM
Throw him on a 3m on a windy day, and give him the ride of his life. Or better yet, go kitesurfing with one on there!
The easiest way to show the difference between the two is this:
NPW5: http://www.megakites.co.uk/images/npw5%20colors%20main.jpg
NPW9b: http://members.cox.net/wsp2nd/JustMyStuff_files/image041.jpg
Look at the bottom corners, the 5 just cuts a straight line, the 9b juts out and then goes up.
PrairieWind - 13-6-2008 at 07:29 PM
The NPW 9 does have a third bridle attachment point allowing the NPW9 to be flown without the need fo constant tension on the brakelines. I tried to
attach a scan of the NPW9 manual, but it didn't work... .
PrairieWind - 13-6-2008 at 07:52 PM
maybe this downsized attachement will work...

kitemaker4 - 13-6-2008 at 08:11 PM
I read the same thing and tryed it. Did not like it and changed back to a four line.
Susan (npw goddess)