Power Kite Forum

Pansh Blaze II Question

dgkid78 - 12-6-2008 at 07:02 PM

Anyone have any experience with these Depowers? noticed the 10m only $279. Thats insane!!!! is it worth it? the only lines and bar set up i have is from My HQ Montana II. Will that set up work with the Blaze II?? :P

SCREWYFITS - 12-6-2008 at 10:31 PM

Hey there, dgkid78

I just flew a 7m Blaze II and a 7m Montana III this wed... to tell the truth I was very disappointed at both, more so at the Montana III...

That being said... I felt the Blaze II had a slight advantage in that it had slightly more de-power (this isn't saying much because neither had a very large de-power)... a huge advantage is the price... I felt the Blaze II better than I've read them to be... They may have fixed some of the issues that have been reported...

As far a the Montana III 7m... I'm very disappointed due mostly to my expectations were high for this kite, I feel almost like the kite wasn't set up correctly, after rechecking the instructions found that it was set up as it was supposed to be... very small de-power range... it was lifty in its highest setting and felt like a 7m

To be honest, I'd rather a Crossfire II 6.5m, and they have set up issues (hope they have been resolved by now)...

I'm unsure if my expectations are too high and I'm comparing these to LEI's and the de-power of LEI's are huge... these two de-power foils are the first of there kind that I've flown...

As far as your bar goes it should work with little to no modification...

Dlish89 has the Montana III 7m for sale in the sale section for a smoking deal right now (if it hasn't sold) only 15 min on it...

NPWfever - 12-6-2008 at 11:05 PM

I am looking into an open cell depower for a while now, for this years snowkite season. And was thinking of pairing the Ozone snowkite bar with the Blaze II. Does anyone know how much the Ozone bar costs?

tridude - 13-6-2008 at 04:16 AM

Don't tell me that it's a whole different beast behind a buggy or board? I'll be mad that I didn't try it in the buggy... we had the bug's there too...:mad:

it is.....................

in the 7 meters' proto phase, 3 buggy pilots and one KGBer were able to run 1/4 mile tacks up and down the beach on a close to side shore wind on a narrowing strip of sand (tide was incoming). Depower was most impressive on the down wind runs as my speed was high enough to induce speed wobble in the board. A further testament to the depower capabilities of the 7m were the buggy pilots had no OBEs and I was popping 6 to 8 foot jumps. I flew the proto for a good 2 hrs and was very impressed having demoed the 7m M2 just a few months earlier. A 15 min static session is hardly a basis for the depower capabilities of any kite, foil or LEI.

SCREWYFITS - 13-6-2008 at 04:33 AM


Do you get a larger range of depower too? that just blows my mind...:o the depower range was so small...:puzzled: I got to get Dlish to bring it back out this next week for a second go around in a bug... at least give a wider review... I guess I just expected more range... we even had 25+ winds and the depower still wasn't a big diff...:puzzled:

I know that my Naish Helix has a huge depower in he same conditions but I'm not familiar with foil depowers... seems that there should still be a larger depower...

Oh well...

NPWfever - 13-6-2008 at 10:14 AM

Does anyone know how much the Ozone snowkite bar costs?

Bladerunner - 13-6-2008 at 10:19 AM

AHA, You are comparing with a HELIX. The Helix has HUGE depower !!!!
That is HARDLY apples and apples !!!!! Comparing the Helix to a C kite would leave you just as disappointed !

Originally posted by SCREWYFITS

I know that my Naish Helix has a huge depower in he same conditions but I'm not familiar with foil depowers... seems that there should still be a larger depower...

Oh well...

tridude - 13-6-2008 at 10:54 AM

sounds good guys, get back out there and fly that M3 in your buggies like you stole it! Youll be glad you did! Look forward to your next review..............................

dgkid78 - 13-6-2008 at 12:53 PM

So in Conclusion???? LOL as far as the Blaze II goes? I think i opened up a can of worms LOL ... Thanks for the info Screwy on the Montana 3 7.0m on ebay but i already got the M2 7.0, if the blaze II 10m isn't what i am looking for than i will look into the M3 9.5m and sell off or trade the M2. my fly days are limited because of my small quiver and i need something i can get out in at least 10mph. I am only truly having fun on my 7m if the wind is 12mph-16mph, for now while i am a noob, i know the kite is capable of so much more since it's a small kite. :rolleyes:

SCREWYFITS - 13-6-2008 at 09:57 PM

This got a lil hijacked so I started a new thread... sorry and I hope you got sufficient info from my post to your question...