SCREWYFITS - 13-6-2008 at 08:44 PM
I started this thread because a couple other threads got hijacked...:saint:
Thanx Furb for the title...
Dlish and I had voiced our opinion and I believe we were misunderstood... remember this was an opinion based on 15 min of flight and expectations
based on reviews here on this forum and other forums (and also expectations from personal experience with LEI depowers)... we expected the Montana III
to knock our socks off (wide range of depower)... give us the :o factor...
The main point I wanted to make was, I was unimpressed with the depower that the Montana III has (based on my expectations from reviews I've read)...
I never really reviewed the kite... I can say it seemed to turn fast and is stable at the zenith and has high quality material and built bomb proof
(typical HQ high quality standards, here I was impressed) but I can't give a honest review due to only having a short time piloting it...
As far as the Blaze II goes, It lived up to my expectations based on what I've read, maybe surpassed the reviews IMO... needless to say, I did not
have high expectations for the Blaze II... I was expecting it to fly backwards when the bar was pulled in to power up, for it to turn slow & have
to make all kinds of adjustments... well in the 15-20 min I flew it static it seemed the same as the Montana III, very little depower (maybe a little
more than the Montana III)... I'd say a little slower turning than the M III and less lift than the M III... still very stable at the zenith (I'm
impressed)... Material and build quality was standard Pansh decent quality, I am not to keen on the bridal material and cheap pulley for the B II...
Dlish and I agreed to give them both a good and fair shake down this coming week and come back and give a good 'ol review... and probably a little to
a lot of opinion... I honestly still have high expectations for the Montana III... Be prepared...
I will apologize in advance if our opinion does not tickle everyone's fancy... If I can give a honest opinion (good or bad) maybe the next person
reading these reviews will have less of an expectation when they go to fly them for the first time and give them a fair chance...:saint:
lunchbox - 13-6-2008 at 09:08 PM
Hey Screwyfits,
I though your and dlish's comments seemed to be very objective.
I, for one, am looking forward to your review
BeamerBob - 14-6-2008 at 04:36 AM
I look forward to the review as well. You guys are "regular folks" like me. I like to learn from others initial trials and tribulations. I just
wanted you to use the kite in the way it was intended to be used before you talked it down. You should have some good 15-20 mph winds to really start
to feel it back down with some depower I would guess.
I always use cars for analogies. Imagine getting a chance to drive a new ferrari hearing all your life about how well it handles and how fast it
accelerates and then saying you were disappointed in the car when you didn't notice anything special about it driving on the interstate in rush hour.
Take the MIII out on the winding road it craves. Then be brutally honest.
Bladerunner - 14-6-2008 at 08:04 AM
I hope you don't think I was being hard on you ! I was mostly just trying to figure out how the full wind range of a kite can be evaluated in such
short order , what you were compairing it to + what you consider depower. ( kite just sitting overhead at zenith ? )
Everyone is allowed an oppinion. I think this is a fun thing, putting the 2 side by side ! Look forward to hearing how it goes.
furbowski - 14-6-2008 at 09:06 AM
@ BB: "Take the MIII out on the winding road it craves. Then be brutally honest."
nice one.
sure you don't write advertising copy or something?
@ DL & SF: i'm really looking forwards to the buggybash review now... bring on the wind!