Power Kite Forum

Beamer TSR 7m

dgkid78 - 14-6-2008 at 06:48 PM

Ok so anyone try this puppy out?? I didn't even know it existed. Thought it stopped at 5m then realized the "Scout" stops at 5m. And maybe because all i ever see on Ebay and Youtube is The 3.6m ..........Just wondering if it this kite is really sloooooooowww turning becasue of its size?? And if so, could i use the HQ Crossover Bar System for this kite?? like they use on the scout.....M in desperate need of a light wind engine for ATB for the summer. Uggg as summer approaches the moderate to high wind days for my tiny quiver are becoming obsolete.

Bladerunner - 15-6-2008 at 10:29 AM

My 7m Bullet flew well ( one of very few of my kites ) on a bar but it was a 2;1 crossover set-up . A sloppy attempt at the one now on the Scout.
It will be interseting to see if HQ powerkites picks up on this thread . I would have expected the 7m to perform better on the new bar , yet they dropped it :?:

acampbell - 15-6-2008 at 11:07 AM

I have not flown the 7m TSR, but extrapolating from the 3.6 and 5m, plus other larger kites like the Beamer III 7M, it should do well. but yess, it will be a slow turner. The Beamer II 7m on a bar is fine, except for the lightest of winds where you will benefit from the finesse offered by handles.
The Scout crossover bar should work, but at 20", it might be small-ish for a 7m.

Consider the larger Crossfire II sizes (up to 10m sq.!!) for a good light wind engine. It comes with handles but can be flown on a bar if you know what you are doing. They are a very affordable high performance kite, and if you like a lifty kite for your ATB, then you cannot go wrong (lift can be turned down with a ground adjustable bridle if that is your taste).

dgkid78 - 15-6-2008 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
I have not flown the 7m TSR, but extrapolating from the 3.6 and 5m, plus other larger kites like the Beamer III 7M, it should do well. but yess, it will be a slow turner. The Beamer II 7m on a bar is fine, except for the lightest of winds where you will benefit from the finesse offered by handles.
The Scout crossover bar should work, but at 20", it might be small-ish for a 7m.

Consider the larger Crossfire II sizes (up to 10m sq.!!) for a good light wind engine. It comes with handles but can be flown on a bar if you know what you are doing. They are a very affordable high performance kite, and if you like a lifty kite for your ATB, then you cannot go wrong (lift can be turned down with a ground adjustable bridle if that is your taste).

Will the Larger Crossfire do well in 5-10 mph? I know my Montana is small for 12-15mph, but i like it for now while i am a noob.

acampbell - 15-6-2008 at 12:02 PM

Yeah I think the 8m Corssfire II will be fine in 5-10mph. So far I have only flown the 5m CFII, but based on my experience with the PL Reactor 8.3 and the earlier Crossfire 7.7m, you should be fine. My old CF 7,7m sail was heavier than my PL Ractor 8.3 sail, but I know that the new CF II 5.0 m is tha same weight as the Reactor 4.9, so clearly the newer fabric has made a difference and I expect from this that the CF II 8.0 m will be a great perfomer, probably just flying in 4- 4.5 mph but starting to pull a board at 5 mph. The 10m should be able to pull in 4 mph is my guess, but it will have anarrow wind range with I'm guessing 12 mph at the top before it becomes too much work. They advertise 18 mph as the top end, but that is not to my taste.

dgkid78 - 15-6-2008 at 05:08 PM

THANKS FOR THE INFO!! I will def look into the Crossfire II 8m for my low wind days. I would only need it for 5-10mph days. Don't get too too many as far as Fall, and Spring goes. But since this is my first year into the sport with Summer. I look in advance with Wind days and most so far are 5-10mph and maybe 1 day 14mph+ for past 3 weeks ........I prefer Depower but eh low wind days ain't good for them i think.

acampbell - 16-6-2008 at 04:27 AM

Yeah the de-powers do not like the light winds. That being said, my Montana 3 9.5m will launch in 6-8 mph, although it is a bit mushy and hard to fly until you get it into motion on a board, in a buggy or on skis.
The 12m M3 would be a nice light wind machine but would have a more narrow practocal usable wind range.

kiteNH - 16-6-2008 at 05:26 AM

Hey DGkid,

I saw this CF 4m for sale on eBay and noticed that you had one stolen from you in your sig. This one looks pretty new, but I figured I should post it up in case you want to check it out.


dylanj423 - 16-6-2008 at 07:13 AM

The 7m TSR was my first big kite. It flies better on a bar than on handles, but has a tendency to luff when it gets anywhere near the edge of the window. I think it is in part to the bridle being so heavy (it appeared to be completely sleeved:puzzled:), and also the air inlets seem a bit closed off to proper airflow.

I flew the kite a few times, and sold it off. You can find them pretty cheap, but I wouldnt really recommend them to anyone that doesnt fly in perfect wind. I fly mostly inland, and it was a frustrating kite for me. I tried tweaking it numerous times, to no results. There is an article somewhere out there about shortening the C and D bridle lines, and enhanced performance, but I didnt try it.

dgkid78 - 16-6-2008 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by kiteNH
Hey DGkid,

I saw this CF 4m for sale on eBay and noticed that you had one stolen from you in your sig. This one looks pretty new, but I figured I should post it up in case you want to check it out.


Hey Thanx alot!!! I know I got my eye on it:lol:

dgkid78 - 16-6-2008 at 03:26 PM

Originally posted by dylanj423
The 7m TSR was my first big kite. It flies better on a bar than on handles, but has a tendency to luff when it gets anywhere near the edge of the window. I think it is in part to the bridle being so heavy (it appeared to be completely sleeved:puzzled:), and also the air inlets seem a bit closed off to proper airflow.

I flew the kite a few times, and sold it off. You can find them pretty cheap, but I wouldnt really recommend them to anyone that doesnt fly in perfect wind. I fly mostly inland, and it was a frustrating kite for me. I tried tweaking it numerous times, to no results. There is an article somewhere out there about shortening the C and D bridle lines, and enhanced performance, but I didnt try it.

I live and fly on the coast. Hmmm I guess though it isn't what i am looking for. I just want something that is decent in 5-10mph get some good pull and work great on a bar.