Originally posted by acampbell
I have not flown the 7m TSR, but extrapolating from the 3.6 and 5m, plus other larger kites like the Beamer III 7M, it should do well. but yess, it
will be a slow turner. The Beamer II 7m on a bar is fine, except for the lightest of winds where you will benefit from the finesse offered by
The Scout crossover bar should work, but at 20", it might be small-ish for a 7m.
Consider the larger Crossfire II sizes (up to 10m sq.!!) for a good light wind engine. It comes with handles but can be flown on a bar if you know
what you are doing. They are a very affordable high performance kite, and if you like a lifty kite for your ATB, then you cannot go wrong (lift can
be turned down with a ground adjustable bridle if that is your taste). |