Power Kite Forum

Relaunching after 'bow-tie'

lunchbox - 16-6-2008 at 08:27 AM

Well it finally happened...dunked my PL 13m in the water on Friday afternoon. Long story short, ends up in a bow-tie.

I tried to relaunch it but no luck...Any tips on how to relaunch from this position?


NPWfever - 16-6-2008 at 01:14 PM

Go back to shore and relaunch there. :D That's about it, I haven't been able to get a bowtie out of my Bomba without walking down and undoing it.

lunchbox - 16-6-2008 at 02:19 PM

Yeah, I think I read that on another forum a few months ago. Luckily I was close to shore when it happened so it was not a big deal, but had I been 100 yards out (usually my max - never go out farther than you're able to swim back in); now that would have su$ked!

awindofchange - 16-6-2008 at 04:52 PM

One of the things to try next time you get a bowtie. Pull on both of the lines on the same side of the kite so that the kite lays flat on the water. If the wind is strong enough and you have enough air in the kite, the kite should twist itself back into shape and the bowtie will come out, leaving the kite flagged out flat on the water. Once that happens, slowly let the lines back out and the kite should fold over into the "Taco" position. Give the front lines a snug yank and the kite should flag open and relaunch.

It is rather rare that the Venom's will bowtie. They are usually pretty stiff compared to the older PL kites. The F-arcs were nightmares for bowties, even the larger Guerilla's would be a pain sometimes but the newer ones like the Venom's, Scorpions, and the all new Synergy are a lot harder to get to bowtie and are pretty stiff, even when crashed.

Good luck, hope this helps.

lunchbox - 17-6-2008 at 04:08 PM

Thanks Kent...Hopefully it doesn't happen again, but if it does, I'll definitely give your suggestion a try.

NPWfever - 26-6-2008 at 10:18 PM

I've had luck fixing an inversion with my Bomba, much the same way, but never a bowtie, granted the AR is so low, it happened once, and that was when my launch assistant didn't let go of the kite when I told him to, so it like crashed onto the ground and he hung on for like 30 seconds, he like panicked :lol: , he was like scudding back and forth, if he had just let go it would have been fine, but nope..... :spin: