Power Kite Forum

Decisions...Selling the FS?

barnes - 17-6-2008 at 10:41 AM

So, I'm in a bit of a pickle I'm seriously debating selling off my Flysurfer, and picking up a quiver of LEIs. (Flexi Ions 9, 12, and 15) For the same price of one FS, I can fly all the time. I have to own up and know I can't afford FS, and I'll need to be a cheapo LEI flyer.

What words of advice do you all have? Good idea, bad idea?

NPWfever - 17-6-2008 at 10:46 AM

NOPNONOONOONOONO!!!!! Do not sell that kite! Or if you do, look into a larger FS, the bottom end on those is amazing. Then get smaller LEI's for those low wind days. But remember, on land inflatos pop easy, FS's dont.

leebrianh - 17-6-2008 at 11:30 AM

As much as I hate to say this but it might be your best option (getting 3 LEIs), barnes.

Yes, you need more water time and yes, one FS won't cover wind range three LEIs can cover.

Do what you have to do to go out and have fun. Don't forget to buy bladder repair kit when you buy LEIs though. :smilegrin:

powerzone - 17-6-2008 at 12:26 PM

if its a money issue, the blimps may be the answer... if its performance, then keep the Speed 1.5 or save up for a newer FS.

hopefully if you sell the 10m, it will be 'within the family' here on the PKF.... that way other members can give FS a try at a discount.

like Brian said.... as long as you're kiting and having fun....thats the ultimate end goal for all of us. good luck in your quest Ryan.

Bladerunner - 17-6-2008 at 01:12 PM


You have to do what you have to do. Those 3 kites should cover the full wind range for you. Now you have the skills hopefully crashing won't be such an issue.
The Speed 1.5 is a hot kite right now. You should get a good price for it !

barnes - 18-6-2008 at 09:13 AM

I think I am going to go for the LEI's...money is far to much of an issue right now, and maybe some time in the future I can join the FS family again.

I'll offer it here first, if anyone is interested in the Speed 10m, let me know.

macboy - 18-6-2008 at 09:26 AM

Oh yeah - you'll get tons of interest here!

(Hmmm....what am I going to do with the cash from selling off MY LEIs?....wouldn't that offer up some irony. You selling to get LEIs, me selling LEIs and funding a FS......)

leebrianh - 18-6-2008 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by barnes
I think I am going to go for the LEI's...money is far to much of an issue right now, and maybe some time in the future I can join the FS family again.

As always, you can fly my FS kites any time, Barnes. So, I say, you still remains in FS family :thumbup:

domdino - 18-6-2008 at 11:57 AM

And if you fancy a slightly longer drive to NYC you can use mine :)

barnes - 18-6-2008 at 06:49 PM

Originally posted by leebrianh
Originally posted by barnes
I think I am going to go for the LEI's...money is far to much of an issue right now, and maybe some time in the future I can join the FS family again.

As always, you can fly my FS kites any time, Barnes. So, I say, you still remains in FS family :thumbup:

Oh, I'm hooked to FS...its just such an obvious money issue at this point. I'm a dead broke high school student! All I really need is a solid quiver of any old kite, and I'll be having fun!