AFRunner - 18-6-2008 at 08:08 PM
FIRST: WHY are these so expensive...
$299 for a best 07 bar and lines....why?
I bet I could make my own bar and buy a set of lines for about $100 and have it be roughly the same. ONTO my question though.
I just bought a new 2007 Bularoo 10m. What bar and lines would be best? Do I need Best bar/lines, are they really worth the $$ or would any 4
line bar/lines work? On E-bay there is a 07 caution answer bar and lines for a buy it now of like $115 would this work and have all the normal
features that these bars have?? Any help or insight would be nice. Thanks.
- Jon
P.S. kite should be here by this weekend so...YEA!
tridude - 19-6-2008 at 04:18 AM
you'll want a 45cm bar for the 10m Bull. The bars are pricey but great quality and excellent functional and safety features. Not sure about the bar
you listed. You should be able to pick up an 07 bar cheaper than $290. Have you tried Best or Real Kiting on the OBX?
Bladerunner - 19-6-2008 at 09:10 AM
You need the proper amount of travel on the trim strap. Probably the cheapest way to go properly is to buy a used 4 line bar and then add the Best
trims strap upgrade. I think it's about $90.
biglou13 - 20-6-2008 at 07:09 AM
blade do you have links for bar upgrades?
Bladerunner - 20-6-2008 at 08:16 AM;jsessionid=0a010c49...
awindofchange - 20-6-2008 at 03:30 PM
The first thing to realize when you are looking at the price for a bar & line set is that it isn't just a bar and lines you are buying.
First, the lines are usually (or should be) high quality dyneema or spectra braid of 600# or higher, pre stretched and sleeved. Just a lineset of
this quality alone will usually run about 70+ dollars on a deal.
Next your not just getting a shaft of round wood with a couple strings tied to it. The bars are custom gripped aluminum (or other substance) wrapped
with carbon fiber for strength with molded ends, stainless steel drag-free beveled inserts for the chicken line to run through, line bungee's and high
strength/low stretch leader lines. Along with the bar you get a fully functional chicken loop, chicken line (usually 4000#+ strength amsteel or
similar quality), adjustable depower strap, primary and secondary quick release safety systems and (usually) a reinforced bungee kite leash (with its
own safety release system).
All of this for under $300.00 bucks really is a pretty good deal.
To break it down seperately (all prices estimated - new items):
Lineset 27m 800# - $100.00
Quick side release chicken loop - $65.00
Chicken Line - $12.00 / foot
Leaders - $1.20 / foot
Kite Leash w/release - $29.00
Adjustable depower strap - $55.00
Plain Control Bar with line winder ends - $75.00???
Shopping around and looking on the used market will help save quite a bit from the prices listed above but when you really get down to it, what you
get from buying a package deal from a name brand company who tests and knows how to set up the safety systems, this is a really good deal for what you
get. Building your own system you may be able to save 100 bucks or so but if your safety system doesn't work or your bar fails or a line breaks...
you may be a hundred times that much in hospital bills - a damaged kite or even worse (fatal??? eeek).
That should help justify what the cost of the lines/bar package is and why it costs so much.
Hope that helps.
Bladerunner - 20-6-2008 at 07:16 PM
I'm pretty sure I saw a buy now price on Ebay of $229 for a 45cm Best bar. By the time you get the upgrade kit and old bar you are better off with a
purpose built one.
If you already have a bar $99 updates it.
tridude - 23-6-2008 at 03:51 AM
nice price on an 07 bar...............................