Power Kite Forum

Arc's for the weekend

Taper123 - 20-6-2008 at 04:09 PM

Wind forecast is terrible for the weekend here, so thought I'd babble about last friday's session.

Had a great session with a Phantom and a Scorpion. Not really fair to compare the handling characteristics of the two I was flying since one was a Phantom 18 (on 65 cm bar) and the other was a Scorpion 10. Wind was around 12mph gusting to 19 and surface was mainly tidal hardpack.

The scorpion I played around with the steering adjuster straps on each end and the kite will loop in very little space. Now I can get a small sine wave with only a little bar movement and get screaming fast speeds. Was hitting higher speeds with the Scorpion 10 than an Ozone Access2 8m with excellent control in the buggy.

Took a break and was doing little bunny hops on the mountain board with it after that. Next time I think I'm ready to move the VPC from the middle settings to the more aggressive one and give it a try.

Used the 18m Phantom to kiteboard. Water was a welcome relief from the heat of the day, but the Phantom felt like flying a bus after the smaller Scorpion. Had no problem staying upwind, and slightly down wind runs were fun in the small surf.

Cool to tie a rope with a carabiner at the end to your vehicle... and be able to switch kites without ever landing either one for the day. Clip the one you don't want to the carabiner... and let it go.

Hope someone has wind this weekend... and can get out and enjoy it :)

PHREERIDER - 20-6-2008 at 06:38 PM

no phantom yet, but soon

but WIND WE GOT, daily sessions (nightly) with the ATB/12M BOXER on the land .

had great onshore (15-20mph) on the water 16BOW ripping miles of shoreline up&down

will go out again tonight for low tide run ATB.

i am ready to start PHANTOM school. can't wait to run that rig

pressure gradient/ and thermals here have been cooking.