Originally posted by kiteNH
DG, I think that its the gusty winds giving you trouble and not the kite. If the winds are gusty enough that the kite is dropping from the sky at one
minute and yanking you off your feet the next then its no wonder you are having trouble.
I'm a bit confused as to why you think the 9.5 will be better than the 7m. Are you saying that the 7m won't fly until 15 mph and at that point it's
already scary? If thats the case then going to the 9.5 won't fix anything. Sure it might fly in slightly lower wind but you're going to feel
overpowered at a lower wind speed so the 10 mph gusting to 15 mph (or whatever) will probably be just as scary as the 15 mph gusting to 20 mph on the
7m. Plus it will be more kite to handle and slower turning, etc.
What you really need are some steady winds so you can get it up in the air and fly it without getting hit with gusts. Also if you ARE saying that
this kite won't fly below 15 mph then that sounds like a problem to me. I would expect that kite to fly in 10 mph without a problem. If it won't
then maybe there is an issue with the kite. I have an 8m Access and I think it will fly at about 8mph (I think). I could hold it down up to 20 mph
or so on skiis, but I bet that even 15 mph would feel way overpowered for me on the ATB since I'm just learning to ride it.
Keep the kite. Ditch the gusty winds while you learn to fly it. |