Power Kite Forum

360's ?

Chefmini - 27-6-2008 at 05:55 AM

Second time out last evening with Beamer 4m. Something that is troubling me, not really knowing all the quirks of the kite and learning to fly quad.
My kite will all of the sudden start to spin. I usually have to bring it down and untwist the lines. Is there a way to respin the kite like you would a stunt kite? I realize that my mechanics probably have to change. HELP!

Scudley - 27-6-2008 at 06:08 AM

You can take it to the top of the window and either spin the kite or yourself or if the kite is well behaved and the wind is light, spin just the handles.
You can also just fly it out, be warned that this may generate a lot of pull depending where in the wind window you do it.

BeamerBob - 27-6-2008 at 06:46 AM

You are probably getting the spins to begin with by inadvertently applying brakes to one side of the kite. You might also have the brakes a little tight. The Beamer isn't inclined to do this nearly as much as my profoil is. It doesn't do it to me but goes crazy in the hands of a newbie. Also, scudley is right, you can just respin it in the other direction. It's actually kinda fun. You can either pull a handle and apply brake to the same handle to spin it in its tracks or just make big loops in the sky till you unwind the lines if the wind is light enough to let you do that. Let us know if this helps.

silvereaglekiter - 27-6-2008 at 07:27 AM


my profoil goes crazy in the hands of a newbie

nice to know it's not jest my profoil that seems to have a mind of it's own. :lol:

-----!Now back to your regularly scheduled thread all ready in progress!----- :alien:

acampbell - 27-6-2008 at 09:12 AM

Make sure your brake lines are attached at the kite bridle on the same knot on each side.
Make sure that part of the bridle is not wrapped around the toggle where the main lines attach. Sometimes the big knots there act like hooks.
Also look for a line wrapped around a knot at the handle-end, esp. around the kite killer knot. This would effectively shorten one brake.

Or, as suggested, try loosening the brakes (move them down a knot on both sides at the kite-end) so that you are flying it more on the front lines

kitemaker4 - 27-6-2008 at 09:28 AM

Your lines might have stretched and could be uneven and this could cause it to spin.

Susan (npw goddess)

dgkid78 - 27-6-2008 at 01:02 PM

or or or.......:smilegrin: take it to the zenith and you yourself spin around to untwist the lines...if it's too windy or your afraid of the pull the kite might generate.

_____ - 27-6-2008 at 01:45 PM

Or if you just wanna see what its like to fly a kite when youre dizzy!

Chefmini - 27-6-2008 at 02:22 PM

Thanks All, I have been setting up the brake lines on the 3rd not. I will move it down a notch and see if that help. More flying....less Newbie...:singing:

Chefmini - 27-6-2008 at 05:17 PM

This forum rocks! Just got back from a nice session at the beach. Moved down the brake lines to second notch, No more spins. Wind picked up a bit, more power and getting pulled around. I likes.
Thanks for the tips.