Power Kite Forum

Depower 8m Ace

NPWfever - 29-6-2008 at 11:08 AM

Flight testing today, we'll see what happens!

Here are all the pics:

Decided to go with a 2 pulley mixer, like on the HQ neo

Converted the bridle over to a traditional bridle, So I have groups of A's, B's, and C's

Made the mixer, I know the line is kinda thick, it's paracord, but it's the thinnest stuff I could get. Also working on getting better pulleys, but they work 4 now.

AoA=0 looks good, a slight positive, but I can compensate for that. Either by shortening those lines, or tying knots in the mixer, so it takes that out at neutral.

-AoA looks pretty good

+AoA looks sweet!

And the canopy is dead on

dgkid78 - 29-6-2008 at 04:34 PM

Damm that looks great.... I can barely draw a stick figure or even boil water...I wish i had the mind set for that:P

clintopher - 29-6-2008 at 05:19 PM


That's awesome...were are you learning the how to's of building/modifying kites?


WELDNGOD - 29-6-2008 at 05:26 PM

pretty work NPW:thumbup: keep us posted on results.

NPWfever - 29-6-2008 at 08:16 PM

DG: It actually really isn't as hard as it looks.

Clint: I'm just kinda guessing, I have this tallent for being able to look at something (mixer) and being able to figure out how it works, and a few guys on the Pansh Forum pointed me in the right direction.

Weldngod: I will for sure, first flight today, fies, but the depower is WAY off, I need to adjust the mixer, I knew I would, but I didn't think it would be that bad! :tumble:

DAKITEZ - 29-6-2008 at 09:24 PM

I thought you were damaged ??? Make sure you get healed up good.

NPWfever - 29-6-2008 at 10:38 PM

I am damaged, however I am not going out there and boarding or anything. I am just test flying it, I was out in 8mph wind today, and a helmet on. Playing with kites is really just whats keeping me going, I want to have this done for this years snowkite season, right when I get kiting back.:D

biglou13 - 29-6-2008 at 11:27 PM

awating results.

is blaze II depower rigged like this??

clintopher - 30-6-2008 at 02:54 AM

I've never really looked at it before but it looks like the mixer allows the angle of attack to be changed by pulling in or letting out on the brake lines. So the depower effect is achieved by increasing or decreasing the AOA by sheeting in or out on the bar..Is that pretty much the short version?


NPWfever - 30-6-2008 at 08:26 AM

I dont know if the Blaze II is rigged like this or not, but I based mine off of a picture of the HQ Neo.

The mixer does indeed allow the AoA to be changed, so each leader of the mixer is attached to either the A B C or D (Brakes) row of bridles. Then by pulling the brakes in or out, the angle is changed. If that makes sense.