mohefie2 - 8-9-2004 at 12:43 PM
Just to let everyone know, me and dave started something 4years ago ........we fed you...that will not change. There will be a new motorhome, but it
will park in the same spot that we parked in all the times out there . OO by the way , Dooley, yes you can do the dishes
Mohefie... too?
Lack-O-Slack - 8-9-2004 at 02:26 PM
Okay, Mohefie... why do I suspect a Mikie under that nickname?
So, I've been hoist on me own petard, so to speak, and I'm on the hook for "scrub boy" duty.
My relatives all told me my mouth would get me in trouble one day... heh, they should have said, "most days". -Dooley