Power Kite Forum

frenzy/manta in gusty wind

sielski - 18-7-2008 at 02:39 PM

im interested in one of these but i live in mainland belgium ( were lucky to have 5 days of clean wind :( ) and was wondering how they preform in gusty winds .
was looking at the manta 12 or frenzy 11/13

DAKITEZ - 18-7-2008 at 02:59 PM

I just got some frenzy 12m and 14m for demo's and I have fairly gusty wind. After i give them a fly I will let you know.

USA_Eli_A - 19-7-2008 at 09:42 AM

they perform well, you'll notice the speed system on the manta offer a huge range, gusty means loads of things,

You want to consider the frequency and range of gust.

Is it gusting 10-20mph more every 5 seconds or every 30 seconds...closer to 30 sec you'll be ok, every 5, well, it'll be exciting!!!

Remember gusty means many many things....good luck, frenzy or manta will do. JUST KNOW WHEN NOT TO FLY THEM!