Power Kite Forum

Handles for a 5m Ace

_____ - 27-7-2008 at 03:03 PM

Newer Pansh
HQ like the ones from my beamer
HQ Ultra's

Dakitez is hooking me up with some new ones so which would you guys suggest? I was leaning twards the ultras because they look quite comfy :)

kiteNH - 27-7-2008 at 03:59 PM

I like the standard HQ's alright, but I've never tried the ultras. I like holding the handle with the powerlines between my forefinger and middle finger and I think the ultras have a curve at the top so that this isn't possible which is why I didn't try them.

I like my Ozone handles and ozone killers the best out of the ones that I've tried.

B-Roc - 27-7-2008 at 04:37 PM

I have standard HQs as well and like those. Never tried the ultras but I do like the looks of them.

harddrive8 - 27-7-2008 at 07:00 PM

I can't comment on the ultra handles, but to me they look more geared to the Rev style kites. I use the standard pansh handles with my 6m Ace and 4.5m Legend.

_____ - 27-7-2008 at 08:35 PM

Yea I think Ill just go with the HQ's that came with my Beamer. I like the way the line feels between my middle and index fingers. Makes it feel like I have more control over the kite.

furbowski - 27-7-2008 at 10:10 PM

the line feel between my fingers is the most important thing! I'd rather use wide webbing, nice and flat, and attach it to leaders about six inches out from the handles. Much harder to make a super strong attchment to the handles. The pansh lines give me blisters in about ten minutes of hard flying, and my flexi handles with the neoprene are much better but still thin enough to dig in quite hard

SamN - 19-8-2008 at 11:32 AM

I also like the feel of the Ozone Handles. I bought the Kite Killers and went back th ethe stock for my Ozone Fury.

kiteboyza - 21-8-2008 at 12:35 PM

Handles, its a personal choice. I prefer Ozone and U-turn ones as I have big hands and find some of the thinner handles dont work for me

art_lessing - 21-8-2008 at 02:35 PM

I use the ultra hadles and I really like them...although...they have different handling..you just have to get used to 'em...but I really prefer them over those pansh "handle shaped objects".....the ultras are my choice ..I have tried flexis, rhombus, pkd's, ozone, and homemades...I like the ultras