I had a customer ask this and I wanted some input from people who have more experience with the npw.
My thought was it might work if you fly it dual and use a dual bar. It might work quad with a quad bar but it would take alot of adjusting to get the
brakes just right?
Don't ask me why you would want to do this, but it was a good question.
Thanks for your input everyone.SCREWYFITS - 30-7-2008 at 11:51 PM
I've never flown one... HHHHHMMMMMM!!!! I think I might have too... would they work like a de-power at all? from what you've told me they turn slow,
so to me that would make them not turn at all to barely turn...andya - 31-7-2008 at 03:45 AM
The Cquad bar works well with Nasa. (got 3 CQ bars and 9 Nasas)
Brakes go to outside, and by twisting the cowhorn bar, you retain the ability to use the brakes to land the kite (just ... gets sketchy above 7m2)
I've never tried but I don't thing a standard 4 line bar would be as good, but it might be possible.
(PS, small NASA's turn VERY fast, easily within a windtip)action jackson - 31-7-2008 at 06:28 AM
I've been working on it on a 6.9m. I been trying with it just of the bridals, works ok but still think handles is the way to go.......ajPHREERIDER - 31-7-2008 at 06:52 AM
dual line set up with a stick seemed ok (somewhat of a step backwards) but the handles really are much better. stick & four line set up not so
good for me with the slightest change in wind speed was uncontrollable handful. the stick set up lasted about 10min. handles and a sliding strop
by far more useful. the balance on the brake was hard to add in.
i can see how a TWISTING bar would add much better control.
trailing edge back pressure is essential for this foil to actually FLY
good luckandya - 31-7-2008 at 07:10 AM
Originally posted by goldendmd the balance on the brake was hard to add in.
i can see how a TWISTING bar would add much better control.
trailing edge back pressure is essential for this foil to actually FLY
good luck
Have you tried the power > brake cross contention like that found on the HQ NPW9? Means the the brake tension is always right even with slack
brakes, without removing brake performance.PHREERIDER - 31-7-2008 at 09:38 AM
no, i generally mod blindly for curiosity and stick to making it up as i go along.
production fun sometimes is a flying failure, but fun was had at some point.
always willing to try a new set up. NHQ... i'll check it out