Power Kite Forum

I have got to get into kite surfing....

_____ - 30-7-2008 at 04:40 PM

after seeing this vid. I knew it was cool but this just put it over the top.


post up other good vids if you have em :D

BeamerBob - 30-7-2008 at 04:56 PM

That is a great video. There was one on the hadlow pro site that looks like its been replaced now. The old one was fantastic. This one is probably good too.


nwsurfwakeskate - 30-7-2008 at 05:10 PM

that was siiiick!!!

_____ - 30-7-2008 at 05:14 PM

I really hope Im not reposting videos guys. If I am Im sorry :(

lunchbox - 30-7-2008 at 08:23 PM

Nice video...never seen that one!

Yeah, I only get to kitesurf about once a week and usually buggy about 5-6 days a week.

I love to buggy and board but kitesurfing is definitely the ultimate for me. Just cruising over the water and trying to ride the waves...there's something magical about it.

...and I am definitely still a beginner....pulled my first air on water...all of 2-3 feet....I can only imagine how great it's going to feel boosting big and riding the waves properly.

If you're near the ocean, lake or any large body of water...you have to try it...it's awesome!

_____ - 31-7-2008 at 07:15 AM

I live about 20 minutes from Virginia Beach and about 5 from the bay here. I will get into it some day I think. I love the ocean and just water in general. I used to surf all the time and really miss it.

lunchbox - 31-7-2008 at 07:46 AM

Not surfing and you only live 20min away....man, you got to get out there and get wet : )

...But I realize that other priorities sometimes do get in the way....

Another point to 'prove/show' how good kitesurfing is....I love surfing and was never able to find anything as good as it...even tried paragliding, mountain biking, etc...but I tell ya, although I still love to surf, I don't do it that much any more since I started kitesurfing...that's how good I think kitesurfing is!

PHREERIDER - 31-7-2008 at 08:12 AM

action editing and style incredible


BeamerBob - 31-7-2008 at 08:33 AM

That's the one. When it was on the hadlow site I downloaded the HD version. Amazing.

_____ - 31-7-2008 at 11:31 AM

Awsome vid Golden. Thanks man.

powerzone - 31-7-2008 at 12:18 PM

hey "jason " Flysurfer-USA is located in Virginia Beach. you're so close !

_____ - 31-7-2008 at 12:24 PM

I know and its killing me :(

I was driving around today a little looking to rig up a safety for my harness I just got and stopped in a tactical store to pick up some paracord for my strop. Turns out the guy helping me is into kitesurfing. He has a 12m Naish, forgot the model, but he said he may be letting it go in the near future for about $100. He told me its the one he learned on and he has no problem taking me out and helping me learn :D

I have seen a few FS posts on a kite surfing forum, once again, forgot the forum, for under $500 for a whole set up. Id love to go that route maybe next summer. Im not ready yet this summer. Im still a noob!

powerzone - 31-7-2008 at 12:31 PM

look up Ted @ Pure Kiteboarding / Flysurfer-USA

purekiteboarding.com or flysurfer-usa.com

speleopower - 2-8-2008 at 12:43 PM

I hear ya on not surfing/windsurfing much since I started kitesurfing back in the late 90's. However, I have started to learn how to motosurf and I don't kitesurf as much anymore. Problem is it's very expensive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npi23jDPs2U

Anyone need a couple kites??? :smilegrin:


silvereaglekiter - 2-8-2008 at 01:17 PM

Originally posted by powerzone
hey "jason " Flysurfer-USA is located in Virginia Beach. you're so close !

thats makes 2 USA distributors in tidewater Va (HQ-USA is in Chesapeake) so how come we dont have Bigger local scene :puzzled:

_____ - 2-8-2008 at 05:01 PM

Thats a good question. In my other thread where I was talking about getting that other guy into kites, he actually ordered his kite from some place in Cali and drove over and picked his kite up from Tim. The invoice from HQ sais somthing like $130 but he paid the guy in Cali $230...lol. I told him its all about makin money.