Power Kite Forum

Ocean Beach 8/5-8/7 ?

DAKITEZ - 31-7-2008 at 10:58 AM

I will be in the city next week for a few days. My wife has to go for work so I'm tagging along to get some fly time in. Anyone want to meet up?

flexiblade - 31-7-2008 at 09:12 PM

I may meet up with you on the 5th (Tuesday) looks good temp wise.

Sthrasher38 - 1-8-2008 at 06:09 PM

Whats up Blade? Have not heard from you in awhile. Hope things are good. I see you have a new addition to the quiver. 13m. How do you like it?

ikemiester - 2-8-2008 at 06:52 PM

I'll be a sunset those days around low tide

flexiblade - 3-8-2008 at 03:06 PM

In regards to the 13m Venom - LOVE IT! at the beach it is a massive engine - extremely stable and full of power - a great way to get some air doing static jumps - nice and floaty landings. For inland gusty conditions it works well unless the wind falls below 10mph, at that point you really need to work it to keep it going. Not a low wind kite but great when the winds are between 14 and 20mph. I have yet to fly it in winds in excess of 20+. I need to extend my axle away from my seat about a foot to a foot and a half to help stabilize against side pull - when I'm really powered up the ass tends to kick out. Just need to come up with removable extenders to be able to still fit it in the trunk of my honda accord, just a few more bolts to undo at the end of a session. Missed you the other day at dakitez sod farm local, was a good session. I take it the foot is doing better. Talk to you later.

nhlrule56 - 3-8-2008 at 05:17 PM

OB Question - On 8/2 I took a drive and checked out Ocean Beach since I had never been there before. I am curious how wide the beach is during a typical low tide. I did not have a tidal chart in hand but the beach seemed pretty narrow around 2:00 PM. So, how much beach is there on a normal low tide? I could totally see nice long runs providing you get some width during low tide.

My oldest and I spent the weekend at Salmon Creek, North of Bodega Bay, and the wind was really kicking. Nice lofty jumps with a 5m.

BTW, the windmill across from Ocean Beach is pretty darn cool looking.

flexiblade - 5-8-2008 at 12:27 AM

the beach was recently overhauled with sand spread out more evenly across the entire north end of the beach - the only problem is that it creates a rather steeper approach to the tidal zone, which is to say that the changes in runnable area during low tide right now is an expansion of about 10 to 15ft. It used to be much larger in the spring, about a 25 to 40 ft expansion - don't really know if this is solely due to the sand addition or just a seasonal thing - didn't seem this crushed last year. Only thing I can say is that if you can get a pair of bigfoots for your back tires you can run all day regardless of tides - just gotta watch out for crowds.