Power Kite Forum

Needed: brake line plan for flexi sting 1.7

furbowski - 2-8-2008 at 07:33 PM

Hiya, I took the brake lines off my sting 1.7 so a kid could fly it as he was having trouble figuring out the brakes. (flies great on 2 line BTW)

But I didn't take pictures, and can't figure out how to put it back together, tried a few times, but never got far as it wasn't a high priority....

But now I need to get some of my relatives flying on the oregon beaches in later august and I'll be much happier if i can set it up on brakes! Unfortunately I left all the bits and bobs halfway around the world and won't see them again until sept!!!! :mad:

Just had a look around some of the UK sites and couldn't find plans...

SO... If some kind soul could take the time to take a photo of the setup so I could have some kind of guide for the rebuild, I'd be very grateful and do my best to send lots of good karma (i.e. good winds!!!!:D) your way!

or point me to somewhere on the web that could help me out....

email for attached photos: Furbi3rik AT yahoodotcom (pardon the L33tspeak, don't want any bots lifting my email from a publicly searchable forum)

cheers, all...


WELDNGOD - 2-8-2008 at 07:38 PM

gotch furb gimme a few minutes to photo and post

WELDNGOD - 2-8-2008 at 07:48 PM

here ya are,pretty simple. this is the left side.

0802082243 (Small).jpg - 41kB

furbowski - 2-8-2008 at 09:53 PM

yeah, it is simple, but the picture helps loads, perfect...

nice color scheme there, is that the girlfriend kite?:lol:

good winds coming your way!!!!!!



_____ - 3-8-2008 at 06:29 AM

That is his wifes kite that she never flys...lol.

And thank you. Good wind is here this morning :D

WELDNGOD - 3-8-2008 at 03:52 PM

Oh, she flies it! just not as much as me!:thumbup::lol: glad to be of service Furb! peace

furbowski - 3-8-2008 at 04:45 PM

hope the good wind karma sticks by your neck of the woods, i reckon you got it all today... My little beach is completely in windshadow today!

must be the jibe about the wife's kite... good karma is as fickle as the wind!

take care,


WELDNGOD - 3-8-2008 at 05:08 PM

well furbs, we had kick ass wind here today,clintopher,_____, and silvereaglekiter came out to my beach today and we had a blast. clint had to leave just when the wind got good, but we all enjoyed the good wind karma you sent our way, thanx furb:thumbup::thumbup: and I'm man enough to fly a pink kite!:lol:

furbowski - 3-8-2008 at 05:12 PM

how bout your legend three? I've got the pink one, how bout you?

are you man enough to fly TWO pink kites???:lol:

glad you had fun with the wind....:singing: I'm looking at mirror-flat seas at the mo:flaming:

WELDNGOD - 3-8-2008 at 05:30 PM

mine's green!And there is a co. called pinkkites that only makes pink kites. I want a BIG pink kite... that can tear your arms off!:lol: http://www.pinkkites.com/

furbowski - 3-8-2008 at 05:56 PM

nice kite company there! LOL!

alright, I give up on the reverse chauvinism front, one pink kite each!!!!

keep on flying,
