Power Kite Forum

jojo sc 2500

muthrluvbne - 3-8-2008 at 07:51 PM

Hey everyone, I went to a kite store and they are selling a JOJO sc 2500. I cant find anything online about the kite. anyone know anything about this kite and where i can find some info about it.


ripsessionkites - 3-8-2008 at 08:05 PM

try this: http://www.jojowing.com/index.php

if not contact Jellis over that KBSS.

from what i know, the jojo sc series were made between 1997 to 1999 for high wind racing - the kite is high performance.

hope this helps.

elkiter - 3-8-2008 at 10:09 PM

SC stands for storm cloud and 2500 means it's 2.5m2. The SC was later replaced by the Jojo RM. One of my buddies owned one of them back in the late nineties and the 2.5m2 pulled like 3m2. I got chance to fly it and I remember it being like a scaled down paraglider. And yes it has a lot of lift for its size, especially during gusty conditions. My buddy got yanked out of his buggy at high speed and got slammed to the ground pretty bad that he never buggied again after that.


muthrluvbne - 4-8-2008 at 08:27 PM

cool. thanks for the information. I emialed the company so hopefully they will be able to give me the specifications.