Power Kite Forum

Kites for all things

mdz - 5-8-2008 at 02:20 AM

I want to buy a kite that would be suitable for land kiting, bugging and kite surfing.
Is it ok to use water kite for land kiting and bugging? I have 4sqm land kite, but now want a bigger kite that could I use for surfing also.
What type of kites is the best for my needs?

Reckless - 5-8-2008 at 03:47 AM

Check out the Best - Bularoo

Im not sure how good it is for buggying but its great for land boarding, snow kiting and kite surfing.

Bladerunner - 5-8-2008 at 10:17 AM

Check out Peter Lynn arcs, Flysurfer kites, and the soon to be released HQ Neo. I think these are the kites you are wondering about.
Inflatable kites are pretty popular on land but usually the folks know how the fly them. The styles above will stand up to punishment on land better.
Bularoos and Ocean Rodeo are tough inflatables that stand up a bit better on land.
If at all possible take a lesson! It will be the best money you can spend !!!

awindofchange - 5-8-2008 at 12:03 PM

I second the Peter Lynn's. IMO, the best multi use kites on the market today (surf,snow,land).

PHREERIDER - 5-8-2008 at 12:14 PM

water and land, peter lynn magic bag of air, the only way to fly!

snow? that's like really cold fluffy water right?

kitesurfer - 11-8-2008 at 06:14 AM

i don't have a buggy anymore, but when i did, i would fly my PL venom 1, 19 meter on the water in 15/17 mph south east wind until i needed a break, then jump on the buggy until needing a break. i did that all afternoon, back and forth. i've never tried snow--none in florida :) just to show how versatile the pl kites are.