Power Kite Forum

Help me spend some money!

clintopher - 7-8-2008 at 03:01 PM

Here's the deal. I want to get a kite that I can fly on land, probably beach 85% of the time or better. It needs to be able to fly in low winds, I'm talking 4 or 5 mph, up to at least 15...anything over that is gravy because I'll hit the water when it gets past that.

I want a fixed bridle that is versatile i.e. buggy, board, jumping, and just because speleopower has me intrigued I want to eventually take it in the water...I know, if I crash it in the water I'm done.

Since speleopower gave me the idea and one of his favorite kites is a Blade, I was thinking that. Originally I was thinking a 4.9 would work but after reading reviews I'm afraid it might not measure up to the 6.5 in the lower winds. Am I right on that?

Next thing, when I originally started thinking about it I figured the Blade 4.9 was a touch over my original budget but what the heck, you only live once. Now, I'm looking at extending it even more if I get the 6.5, which is within my financial means, but it's gonna be hard to part with that much dough ray me. How does the Crossfire II measure up, or any other high performance kite that doesn't cost so much for that matter?

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

WELDNGOD - 7-8-2008 at 03:11 PM

I don't think your gonna like traction activities with a blade , they got loads of lift. Your gonna have more fun with a kite more for pulling. (rage ,blurr, brooza or something like that) Unless you want to get snatched off the ground while your buggyin or boardin. Me ,I don't like compound fractures.

bbrex - 7-8-2008 at 04:36 PM

How about a QUADRAFOIL XL 4.9M complete Very Good Shape $300

clintopher - 7-8-2008 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by bbrex
How about a QUADRAFOIL XL 4.9M complete Very Good Shape $300

I'd heard those didn't do very well in light winds. Do you have a differing opinion?


DAKITEZ - 7-8-2008 at 05:32 PM

I think that might be too big of a wind range to cover for a fixed bridle. Unless you just want it to fly in 4-5mph and not have any power.

My personal experience I can share would be the 12m ace .. it had alot of power in 5-7mph, but you would be an animal to have it out in 15mph. I'm not recommending the ace ... just giving my personal experience with larger fixed bridels.

kiteNH - 7-8-2008 at 05:48 PM

I agree with DAKITEZ . I don't think you're going to cover that range with one fixed bridle kite. Maybe if you're barely moving at 5mph and lit out of your mind at 15 you could pull it off.

Bladerunner - 7-8-2008 at 05:56 PM

So what is stopping you from picking up Spelio's 4.9m Xl ???

It sounds like exactly the match to what you are looking for. You will have to fly the heck out of it under 8mph. but what a fantastic kite !!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

PLEASE buy it because it is tempting the heck out of me :spin:

pyro22487 - 7-8-2008 at 06:05 PM

I have heard jojos are good kites. They make a 4 meter that may be perfect for you. I have never flown one but I have seen one and a 7 meter in light winds was doing really well. If your looking at stronger winds i would maybe recommend a 4 meter im not sure of the price range. The person to talk to about jojo kites is jojo1. He has almost there entire range of kites.

clintopher - 7-8-2008 at 06:19 PM

I'm not really looking for power at 5 mph, just something to keep me occupied. I'd like the sweet spot in say 8 to 14 or 15 range.

I'd talked to speleo about his 4.9 and he said it doesn't really do well until 15 or so...of course he was talking water. Maybe I should reconsider his kite. Is it a fun kite on land between 8 and 15? When will it get airborne?

WELDNGOD - 7-8-2008 at 07:17 PM

Hey Clint o'buddy o' pal, I can help ya spend your money!:thumbup:
I need 3 cad-kats and rims or euro trax or maybe bigfoots!!!:lol::lol:
"I don't care who ya are ,that's funny" :thumbup: (unless your Clint :lol: )

dylanj423 - 8-8-2008 at 12:05 AM

mac bego neptune on ebay.... i think powerzone (or somoeone) has a jojo rage for sale on this site... 4.9 quadrifoil...

there are a lot of kites that are very versatil available at the moment... dont delay, though, they will eventually go away. I cant recommend, or try to talk you out of, any of these kites. I just know theyre out there somewhere right now.

I hate missing out on a kite, and wishing I had bought it later, when I cant get it.

BeamerBob - 8-8-2008 at 04:46 AM

with my low winds, my blade is the first kite out of the bag. It won't trouble you with much lift till you are up to 11-12 mph winds on the low lift setting. At 12 you would get out a 5m kite anyway (at my level of buggying). Now that I'm bugging, I find myself eyeing several 8m kites. I find myself eyeing kites I'm familiar with such as the Blade and CF II. I also know that the Peter Lynn Reactor in 8.3 can make some power with not much wind to work with and it doesn't lift at all. It makes its power 15-20 degrees off the ground. Also, if you want to take a fixed bridle on the water, the kites with some lift would help there, by helping you get out of the water because they still generate power higher in the window.

acampbell - 8-8-2008 at 06:00 AM

Yeah that's a pretty wind wind range for a single kite for my tastes. Now add the fact that you want it for both buggy and jumping and you are not being realistic at all. One could make the argument for 4 FB kites for the conditions and styles you describe.
If you could stand to ad 2mph to the low end, thena 9.5m Montana III de-power would be the best match for the $$, IMO.
If you insist on FB, and have to keep the low end of 4-5, then the Reactor 8.3 is the one that comes out of my bag for that. Launch in a puf of 5-6 and get it moving in the bug and it will fly in 4. It's not a lifty kite but at 13-15 mph.....
the Blade 6.5 is another good choice if something more aggresive is to you liking and can give up some peace of mind at the top end of your range.
A Crossfire II 6.5 would be a very versatile and affordable choice as well, with the adjustable bridle. I have only flown the 5m but extrapolating, I think 5-6 at the low end and 15 at the top end would be fine, and the adjustable AoA would give you the versatility you want. Closest match, anyway.

clintopher - 8-8-2008 at 03:30 PM

Originally posted by dylanj423
mac bego neptune on ebay....

I've never heard of those...still a newb. Did some pokin' around on the net and it looks like that could be exactly what I'm looking for. Gonna have to put a bid in on that one.


Bladerunner - 8-8-2008 at 10:36 PM

It's an awsome kite but you may have to lower your top end expectations with it. On the other hand they are supposed to perform well in very low winds. So your bottom ( so to speak ) is covered ! I think Archkiter flies one ? you should P.M. her.

clintopher - 9-8-2008 at 03:22 AM

Yeah, I was thinking that on the top end. I'm hoping though that when it starts to become a handful on land I can take it to the water. We'll see if I actually end up with it.

clintopher - 10-8-2008 at 02:32 PM

Daggonit'!!!! I got out bid. Still on the prowl.

powerzone - 10-8-2008 at 09:31 PM

the JOJO Rage 10m is a BEAST

clintopher - 11-8-2008 at 02:33 AM

Originally posted by powerzone
the JOJO Rage 10m is a BEAST

I took a peek at that but I want a four line kite to fly on handles.