kitemaker4 - 9-8-2008 at 08:22 PM
Here is a picture of my latest kite project. It is a npw9 7.1 meter.
Susan (npw goddess)
NPWfever - 9-8-2008 at 08:24 PM
Invisible kite?
WELDNGOD - 9-8-2008 at 08:42 PM
no, it's a kite made out of saran wrap
kitemaker4 - 9-8-2008 at 08:58 PM
I ran into some trouble but I it is up now.
Susan (npw goddess)
csa_deadon - 9-8-2008 at 10:47 PM
looks good Susan!!
SecondWind - 10-8-2008 at 05:14 AM
Very nice Susan - I'm really looking forward to flying it!
Thanks for fitting me in to your build schedule
kitemaker4 - 10-8-2008 at 04:35 PM
Thanks Joe
I enjoyed making it. I was able to test fly it today and I was very impressed with its power in little wind. Have fun.
Susan (npw goddess)
SecondWind - 13-8-2008 at 08:07 PM
Got the 7.1m NPW9 in today – looks beautiful Very well made.
I’m hoping to fly tomorrow.
Thanks Susan!