Power Kite Forum

Landkite => kitesurfing?

Foca - 11-8-2008 at 09:17 AM

Hello there,

maby a stupid question, :ticking: but should it be possible flying a Pansh Ace 5m as a water kite? if i attach bar offcourse.


BeamerBob - 11-8-2008 at 09:21 AM

It won't fly if you touch the water much at all. It is risky but people fly fixed bridles on the water. You need to have plenty of wind and be able to fly the kite without being able to see it. You would also need to have enough experience to know what the kite was going to do before it does it. One member on here flies fixed bridle kites on the water exclusively. He hasn't put his in the water in years but carries a mesh bag to stuff it in just in case.

The ace won't like being on a bar much I imagine. They don't like brake input, so it will either be sluggish all the time or slow to turn or both.

f0rgiv3n - 11-8-2008 at 09:31 AM

my two cents--
if you do fly it on a bar you'll want a cross-over bar. Over at the panshforums there are people who fly them on the crossovers because it helps them turn better.

lunchbox - 12-8-2008 at 07:48 AM

You can fly on handles.....

but what's going to make it difficult is keeping the kite overhead while you put your feet on the board. Using a strop will make it easier but I imagine it would still be difficult.

Also, makes a difference what the conditions are like...is it flat water or is it bumpy with waves....waves = more difficult

...and of course, don't drop the kite in the water...it's then a swim in and then time spent waiting for the kite to dry.

Good luck and be safe...

Bladerunner - 12-8-2008 at 08:20 AM

I had my 5m Ace on a crossover bar and it worked O.K. if the wind was up. Much better on handles though.

That is a small kite for water ? You will need big wind and a big board to get any place. I think you will get frustrated unless you treat it as a lark and accept all that can go wrong !

PHREERIDER - 12-8-2008 at 09:22 AM

if your talent leads you to this ride, good luck and i know it can be done. but the problem here is the 5m is too small and a well seasoned flyer would know better. a bar would only be in the way. you know the handles ...use them. you don't need straps on the board either, use a skim board or any decent stick will work.

the novelty of it all will be fun... then the after party consist of wet, tangled gear, and let's hope your body isn't involved.

you will be smarter once you do it. and if you keep trying you might get better.

water, wind and gravity, remember they take and certainly don't ask first nor do they care.

caution advised


speleopower - 12-8-2008 at 06:07 PM

Give it a try if your skill is up to it. But I was not very impressed with the Pansh kites and I wouldn't want to ride the kite in the water at all. To many things to go wrong with the kite.

Don't know why everyone is so down on riding "real" kites on the water. Just don't crash :smilegrin:

The picture is me riding a 5 meter kite.


jsp2553 (Medium).jpg - 24kB

speleopower - 12-8-2008 at 06:11 PM

If you try definity do not use a bar. You lose way to much control of the kite with a bar. Stick with the handles-that is what the kite was designed to fly on.

Note the handles in this pendulum type jump.

jsp2562 (Medium).jpg - 22kB

speleopower - 12-8-2008 at 06:13 PM

another cool shot.

jsp2569 (Medium).jpg - 33kB

speleopower - 12-8-2008 at 06:14 PM

Another pic of me with a 5 meter land kite. Again note the handles.

jsp2567 (Medium).jpg - 20kB

PHREERIDER - 13-8-2008 at 05:54 AM

a PL reactor sub 15mph maybe something with a little more lift , i really don't know gear/brand /names, it would be less $ than a SA19.
would totally overclock the water with anything that was rideable.

speleopower, sweet pics
that's a ultra long leash. gotta get a directional, what's your fav?
it would need to be nuclear wind or ride a barge for me to use a 5m.
this is not a hijack

lunchbox - 13-8-2008 at 08:05 AM

I've often thought about trying my directional with one of my fb's. Taking a camping trip with the family to Lake Isabella at the end of the month. Strong winds and flat water....hmm...sounds like a good time to try it.

Gotta say, I do like the smaller kite/bigger board scenario and 'quick release' that the fb setup would provide.

Hey Scott - What made you go this route?

speleopower - 13-8-2008 at 03:39 PM

The leash I use is a big wave heavy duty leash.

I have custom boards that were made for me back in 2000.

I started using landkites because they fly so much better than any LEI kite I've ever flown. Plus they don't lose so much value over time and nothing much to break down i.e. very reliable. The other main issue for me is ease of launching and landing by myself.


USA_Eli_A - 13-8-2008 at 03:50 PM

cleanline surf co in seaside has some oregon built kite boards for sale!!! call them and ask for the gorge narrows, tri-fin directional... 503 738 7888 ask for josh, tell him eli sent you.

you gotta have one of these!

speleopower - 13-8-2008 at 07:55 PM

Back on topic on the Pansh kite. I got one on loan from a PKF member in the pass the Pansh promotion. The kite looked like a good kite for general use on land however, I was not impressed with the bridals and general assembly of the kite. For water use your kite needs to be bomb proof. Using a 5 meter on water for me I need at least 15mph to just get moving. When it gets to 18-20mph then I'm doing well. The Pansh just didn't look up to the task in my opinion.

If you want to hit the water with a fixed bridle land kite you need a super high lift kite such as a Blade.

See ya-Scott

clintopher - 14-8-2008 at 02:22 AM

Originally posted by speleopower

If you want to hit the water with a fixed bridle land kite you need a super high lift kite such as a Blade.

See ya-Scott

Do you put it on the super lifty setting? Just wondering because from what I've read in different reviews it seems like your transition from land to water could be a handful in 18-20 regardless of what setting it's in.

speleopower - 14-8-2008 at 04:06 PM

I leave my Blade IV 4.9 in normal mode for all flying. 20mph is certainly in the upper limits of what I'm comfortable with. But it's not really a problem at all. The winds where I'm at are very very steady.
