DAKITEZ - 11-8-2008 at 11:26 PM
Just thought I would throw alittle Pansh update out there. They have improved their handles alittle more. They still look the same as the last
generation, but they are now softer That was the biggest complaint I
had about them was they were sooo hard, but now they are a little thicker diameter and softer. Much better ;-)
harddrive8 - 12-8-2008 at 06:37 AM
Is that true with the handles included with all the kites (all sizes) they ship now? Has the padding material changed or just the amount of it?
Thanks for the positive updates from Pansh!
f0rgiv3n - 12-8-2008 at 08:19 AM
woo! always appreciate news like this. It's good to hear Pansh continually bettering their products
DAKITEZ - 13-8-2008 at 10:52 PM
all the kites I recieved had the new handles