hector - 13-8-2008 at 07:34 PM
I am interested in kiteboarding, I flew a friends 10ft powerkite the other day and liked it.
I want to get a training kite, I've been looking at the HQ Scout's 3m and 4m. I am 6'1'' and my weight is around 235.
Reading on the forums, it seems the 3m may be the best way to start.
Would I be better going with a 2 line or 3 line kite for a first or is the Scout and the 4 line fine?
Also 3m or 4m?
I greatly appreciate any help!!!!
gsxstylee - 13-8-2008 at 08:32 PM
I got the scout 4m just a week ago its really fun and its also my first kite. The 4 lines are a hassle to set up if they get tangled but the kite is
nice n easy to control.
stetson05 - 14-8-2008 at 02:45 AM
I am pretty new my self but 3m seems to be a good place to start. I recommend getting a 3 or 4 line kite because that is what you want after you fly
a 2 line kite a couple of times. If you get a 2 line kite then get one you can add lines to. It won't be long before you want more lines and the
kite killers you can attach to them make flying safer anyway. Be safe and Have Fun.
clintopher - 14-8-2008 at 03:02 AM
Get a four line kite for a couple of reasons. One, you want to be able to relaunch it with the leading edge down...especially when you're learning
because you'll crash it plenty. Two, it's nice to have the ability to switch to handles. You'll likely never use handles kiteboarding, but if your
interest turns into kite flying rather than strictly kitesurfing (mine did) you'll have more fun on the ground with handles.
hector - 14-8-2008 at 07:04 AM
Thanks! I greatly appreciate the advice!!!
Bladerunner - 14-8-2008 at 09:03 AM
I would generally agree that you want a 3 or 4 line. There is a kite out there at a good price called something like the Sense ? ? ?
It claims to be the 1st truly re-launching 2 line kite. It comes on a bar but you will want to purchase a D-loop to hook in to a harness at some
point. I have flow one and they make an O.K. trainer if moving to a water kite is your motive.
I think they go for about $189 on Ebay ?