Power Kite Forum

Beamer TSR 7m

dgkid78 - 14-8-2008 at 01:58 PM

Anyone have any experience with one of these. they don't sell them anymore and i imagine it's maybe cause it's a beast for a bar alone and prob a slow turner on a bar.. and if you think a HQ Crossover bar like the "Scout" has would make this kite fly better?

dylanj423 - 14-8-2008 at 02:10 PM

I used to own one. If you have perfect winds, it may work well for you. I had issues with it... but I was a bit of a beginner, and my winds are shifty and gusty. That aside... the kite would nearly always collapse on me anywhere near the edge of the window. The air inlets seemed to have bad placement (when airborne, they were underneath the kite, it seems), and the bridle looked like it was sleeved entirely- it was very thick, and very heavy... I think this added to the reasons it would collapse on me. I tried adjusting the C and D bridle on it, with no luck. If you do an internet search on "7m beamer C and D bridle" (no quotations when searching), you may find a thread somewhere that some guy permanently modded his 7m, and it worked for him, but I think he shortened every line in his c and d bridles... a lot of work that I didnt feel confident about doing.

I bought mine on ebay for 190, and was happy to sell it after trying it out a few times. But thats just my own experience. Have fun out there.

dgkid78 - 14-8-2008 at 02:47 PM

Awesome thanks for the info. there's one on ebay for $350 I didn't think it was worth that much since HQ didn't make anymore.

dylanj423 - 14-8-2008 at 07:09 PM

There are all kinds of kites in that range right here on the forum that would smoke that kite. I was unhappy paying 190.

kitedemon - 14-8-2008 at 07:27 PM

The original beamers are a bit twitchy. They like to fold tips near the edge of the window and are not fast at all. I tried my old tsr 3.5 (much faster than a 7) on a spider bar and that worked quite well it is a bit flaky if you have too much break. (no I did not use it as a de-power set up)