Power Kite Forum

stopping and how do i off-center the wheels?

doomwheels - 16-2-2003 at 06:39 AM

Copied from old Forum:

You have managed to pique my interest. Tomorrow I go out for some stainless steel rails to mount some suitable wheels to the set of roller blades I have been meaning to use for years. I have a few questions though and I hope you can help me out.

Stopping. I'm quite comfortable with my kites (a 2.2 & 4.2 C-Quad) and have a ball buggying. How does one stop or slow down on skates?

Off-center. You mention having the wheels off-center... and I'm not sure what you mean by this. Is the bias towards, or away from, the lunatic in the boots?

I'm loving this idea!! Can't wait to give it a try (aerial manouevers are filling my head - although I think I want to know how to stop first:)

Thanks in advance and if nothing else... for the idea.

doomwheels - 16-2-2003 at 06:42 AM

Copied from old Forum:

May 10 2000

>How does one stop or slow down on skates?

stopping is the same as on a buggy... fly the kite overhead and turn upwind. the more aggressive the move, the faster you will stop.

if rolling downwind, "parachuting" (flying the kite to the opposite side of the flying window) is a good way to control speed as long as you are very careful not to get the kite too far behind you. you dont want the kite to power-up while you are in this position.
at some point you still need to bring the kite overhead and skate upwind to stop.

off-centering the wheels help with different aspects of tracking a straight line against the pull of the kite. the wheels themselves should be set to roll in a straight line with one another, but you can position the front axel slightly closer to the inside rail so that when the skate is in a leaning position, it wants to carve a slight turn upwind against the pull of the kite. this allows the skater to track a cleaner line without having to correct his course by "stepping" the front wheels.
start with the axels all in a straight line and then experiment with moving the front axels inward 1/8 inch at a time. the skates will roll normally when your stance is vertical, but should arc when your stance is 45 degree or more.

send pics when you are up and rolling!
good luck and have fun,