Power Kite Forum

Repair FS SA

DenisLaMenace - 16-8-2008 at 01:39 PM

I made a first tear in my SA2 15m. Probably a sharpy shell at the beach.

The tear is about 1cm long but badly done. So I repaired it using kitefix but just on one side because could not patch from the inside, so I wonder if this should be enough or I should get it sewed cleanly.


powerzone - 19-8-2008 at 12:06 PM

we discourage sewing on the SA fabric... more perforations leads to a weaker area around the damage, resulting in a Bigger Hole in the kite if the stitching is too close together.

use the kitefix on each side if you can, and make a THIN layer of glue covering the affected area by at least 6mm overlapp. too thick of application will make a non-flexible mass on the canopy and be too rigid for stretch.