Power Kite Forum

The bar is just out of reach ?

Bladerunner - 17-8-2008 at 04:25 PM

I took the Yeti out today but lost my wind before I could make a good go of it.
My problem with many kites has been that the depower strap is just a bit too far up to reach. I also must fly with the bar uncomfortably far away from my body. My Pulse is the only kite I've had that the reach felt about right.

How do I go about setting things up so all the control is closer in ??

I'm only 5'7" I expected shorten the chicken loop line + the outside lines an equal amount ? I tried that but it flew odd ( ultra low wind ) ?

dgkid78 - 17-8-2008 at 06:27 PM

I can barely reach my trip strap. I tied nylon rope (color coded) to each strap on the trim strap.. solved my prob with that:duh:

B-Roc - 18-8-2008 at 05:33 AM

I'm the same size as you (5' 7") and had that exact same problem flying a friend's Frenzy. If I let the bar out, I could barely reach it which meant I wound up holding it in whole time in high winds and deep snow which meant I was almost always fully powered as I was leaning way back against the kite.

I found the distance of throw on the Access much better, but that also was not my kite so I can't say if one was set up better than the other or if I'm just at a disadvantage being not too tall.

macboy - 18-8-2008 at 08:10 AM

Surely you should be able to adjust it though, no? The setup on the Venom is exactly the same - just a hair too far for my comfort. Trouble is, a guy would like to keep as much of the travel as possible so my thought is to scour the globe for the shortest chicken loop I can find? But would I really miss the inch of travel if you could shorten up the center line?

acampbell - 18-8-2008 at 08:29 AM

My Montana III is like that- cant reach the adjuster when it's flapping in the wind. Solution like dgkid was to tie some pigtails from the straps down to the bar. I think they have addressed this in the IV- will find out in a couple of weeks.

Bladerunner - 18-8-2008 at 08:58 AM

I have not had a chance at the Montana. From my 1st impression this Yeti seems a lot like it. All the same troubles with tip tuck and back stall in super low winds that I have read about.

I can get over the strap being out of reach as described. My problem with many kites and it seems to an even greater degree with this Yeti ( so far ) is that I must fly working the bar way out at the farthest end of my reach ?

I would gladly give up some depower to move everything in closer !

awindofchange - 18-8-2008 at 01:13 PM

You could always just shorten your depower line. That would of course reduce the amount of depower you have on the kite but it would make it easier for you to reach your bar and adj. straps. The other option is like mentioned above, get the shortest chicken loop you can find. Some pilots here have even scrapped the chicken loop and gone with a stainless ring and the Slingshot Surefire Spreader bar (or snap shackle, but you need to make sure you get one of the good ones or you have a huge safety risk). This will shorten about 6-8 inches off of your overall length without shortening your chicken line.

If you need more info let me know.

macboy - 18-8-2008 at 01:23 PM

I'd love to see pics of that as I defer always to the safer option but would switch if I felt okay with it. I used the Wichard and the climbing harness exclusively last winter - it never let me down (and I had to use it once).

awindofchange - 18-8-2008 at 02:32 PM

Just do a Google search for "Slingshot Surefire Spreader" and it will come up with pictures of the spreader bar. All you need to do is replace your current spreader with this one and then remove your chicken loop from your chicken line and attach a welded stainless steel ring that is big enough to fit into the Surefire Spreader Bar, make sure your ring is strong enough to hold the pressure without bending/breaking. The Surefire has a quick release button incorporated in the hook of the spreader. It also has a plastic keeper that can be snapped in so you don't have to use or fab a donkey and you can un-clip it without releasing the hook for uhhooked tricks.

The Surefire comes with a quick release spinning leash that can be retro-fitted as needed. It comes with a larger plastic sleeve that has two large Velcro wraps on it. What we do is discard the Velcro and plastic sleeve and just use the leash without it. If you have to eliminate the quick release on the leash, make sure to replace it with a wichard or other quick release system that will work under heavy load.

Bladerunner - 18-8-2008 at 05:13 PM

My liquid Force spreader also has the QR pivot release on the hammerhead. Similar to the "sure fire " but without the safety leash.
I think I'll give it a go ! Thanks !!!

csa_deadon - 18-8-2008 at 05:37 PM

Bladerunner, as far as the tip tuck, I had the same prob on my Montana 3 till I got educated by the good people here.

Try pulling the depower static strap all the way in. Should solve the tip tuck and stall except in the extreme low end
of the wind range.

The pig tail idea to the bar sounds like the right fix

Bladerunner - 18-8-2008 at 05:51 PM


I was thinking about you and Jim on the beach that day ! Basically just too low of a wind . Things are similar on my Pulse but being closed cell it isn't so pronounced.

I think YOU are a good candidate for the pass the Yeti program with the Montana to compare ? Please make a point of flying it at SOBB + get your name in to get it on the pass ! I think these kites are well matched ? Unfortunately I only have the Pulse and Blaze II to draw from experience wise . In the 7m range that is. Someone with a Montana , Access or Frenzy will be better judges.

csa_deadon - 19-8-2008 at 12:44 AM

I won't be able to get up to sunset for SOBB :(
Signed up for extra shifts at work to fund the ASBBP (anti-stress buy the buggy program):P

Will definitely give you all a side by side comparison.

ikemiester - 26-8-2008 at 09:25 PM

It's hard for me to reach the depower strap on my 06 frenzy and i'm 6'2"