Power Kite Forum

Pay attention when you change killers will ya??!!

beachrights - 19-8-2008 at 05:38 PM

So I bought a new set of killers from Angus -who by the way took them off a whole kite set up to make a customer happy [Thanks!] simple process changing them right? Not if you are rushing and doing it within your cars trunk and you screw up and get your handles and ALL 4 lines mixed up!

Somehow I mixed leaders and brakes from handle to handle and my beloved Bullet is flying like crap. Some time ago I had to make a second knot in my right power lead to adjust for stretch. Or was it my left? See where I am going with this?

It is amazing how quickly a kite can go from 'total control" to flying like crap! Today another switch with brake and leader control to see if that combination is correct. I am an idiot!
So pay attention if you had to make line adjustments that are kite specific- you made them for a reason.

Bladerunner - 19-8-2008 at 05:48 PM

Wow, when I look at your quiver it seems every kite you have is on with touchy brakes.

I gave my 1.5 profoil away because it was too touchy. My 4.5 Bullet was also that way. Right up to the less touchy but still twitchy Ace. I have had a very similar quiver to you over time ! Keep your eye out for deal on a 7m Bullet. I think it's a kite you would like.

beachrights - 19-8-2008 at 06:00 PM

Ya know- I never looked at my quiver from that angle- you are so right! The Bullet is my favorite and flew perfectly before this stupid move- I just hope I did not stretch something out in trying to find the original combo. I never fly the 6 or the 1.0 profoil I should just sell them but I did that with my Proteam 8 and I wish I did not do so.

I really don't think I need anything bigger than my 5 for my conditions- If the wind is that poor I get bored and will wait till another day. I do need a 3.2 or 3.5 to cover the hole between the 2.5 and 4.0 for buggying. Last night I was WAY overpowered on a downwind run with the 4.0 and seriously thought about just letting go to slow down! I could not turn upwind or anyway to stop I was being pulled so hard-scary! I walked my tracks and you could see me sliding sideways desperately trying to turn. And of course I did not have my speedometer turned on!!

BeamerBob - 19-8-2008 at 07:43 PM

How much wind did you have? Were you afraid to pull the kite up high? I'm trying to learn all I can about buggying, so I'm curious about your conditions. I'm jealous of you having significant wind. I'm 3 months now that every time out, I could fly the blade. I flew the crossfire today with not enough wind just because I missed it. Fall better bring me some wind.

beachrights - 20-8-2008 at 03:09 AM

The wind was coming off the dunes from my right side so it made it gusty- The problem I had was the kite collapsed due to a complete drop in wind it made my buggy almost roll to a stop- kite dropped to about 6 feet- spun 1 turn and went slightly backwards behind me. I was worried about it powering up and me having the kite behind my right shoulder. I would have been pulled out of the buggy so I did a quick uturn and it did power up as I thought. Beacuse the wind was so crappy on my upwind run I did not expect too much speed going downwind- wrong!
So I had a line twist and now TOO much wind. The line twist prevented me from moving the kite to a neutral position to slow down. Luckily the wind dropped to zero again and I did not have to use the killers. Lesson learned: Get rid of spins before you power up