Wize - 27-8-2008 at 02:18 PM
I´m thinking on buying a 5.0m kite for landboard, and i would like to kow your opinion. HQ Beamer 3 or HQ Scout is there a difference if i want to use
a control bar on both of them, do they have a good power. Tell me everything the goods and the bads.
ragden - 27-8-2008 at 04:15 PM
Give scoopskites a holler. He uses the hq montana, and will probably try to get you on that one as it seems like a better kite. But he can probably go
into the details of them.... send me a u2u if you need his contact information...
HQ-Powerkites - 28-8-2008 at 11:19 AM
Hey Wize,
The Scout and Beamer are similar kites, with the Scout being a newer model. Both kites can be flown on handles or bar. But the Beamer comes
delivered with quad handles while the Scout comes complete with a Cross-over control bar. Thus, for landboarding I would suggest a Scout since that
kite has been developed for snowkiting/landboarding in mind. And if you ever wanted to use quad handles, just buy a pair and rig them on.
Bladerunner - 28-8-2008 at 12:51 PM
Something else to look at is the Apex. I'm not experienced with them but they have Depower and that's a good thing !
If you haven't flown before starting with a 5m is generally considered a mistake ! A 3m will be Faster and
Safer to learn on. If you don't believe me please take the time to look through the past posts. Lots of folks post that they are sorry they didn't
start out smaller. You won't find a single post where the person said a 3m was the wrong choice.
kiteNH - 28-8-2008 at 12:58 PM
There is a used 5m Scout in the for sale section.
If you know you want to fly on a bar then go for the Scout. If not I'd go with a Beamer because they are cheaper. 5m is probably a bit large if you
don't have any experience at all but should be a nice size to get going on the landboard if you've got some experience on a smaller kite.
acampbell - 28-8-2008 at 01:00 PM
The Apex is great because it is such an affordable de-power kite. But not a good choice for a first kite; try it when you have had ome time on 5-7m
fixed bridle kite. And I agree with Bladerunner; if this is your first, go with a 3m size first and you will not regret it.
RichardGabri - 15-11-2011 at 04:38 AM
Below are the video for both:
HQ Beamer 3
HQ Scout
Hope it will help you decide well.