Power Kite Forum

My new kite...

Arnold - 3-9-2008 at 01:38 PM

Hi people from the forum.

Im new around here and like to jump with my kite.
I am looking for the kite Radsails Pro II 5.0mē.
I thought, maybe you guys know if its a good kite to jump with?

I hope I'll get some usefull suggestions :smilegrin: !

Seee ya!

furbowski - 3-9-2008 at 01:48 PM


Bladerunner - 3-9-2008 at 06:51 PM

Smart way to do it Furbowski !

Originally posted by furbowski

furbowski - 3-9-2008 at 06:55 PM

but i don't want to scare him off!

let's see what happens, eh?

Arnold - 4-9-2008 at 07:35 AM

I just asked if my kite was good to jump with ppl?
Can't you guys say if you are formiliar with this kite?

BeamerBob - 4-9-2008 at 10:31 AM

We aren't sure what your experiences are, and if you own the kite, are looking for one, is it your first kite? Are you just looking for others opinions on a kite you already own? We need these things to be able to offer you anything. When someone mentions jumping in their first post on the forum, we are somewhat skeptical about their readiness to be asking questions about jumping. I moved pretty fast at this and didn't try to jump for almost a year after starting with a 3 meter power kite. I steered myself away from kite/wind combinations that would likely get me off the ground until I had about 10 months experience. Some wait years before flying a "lifty" kite.

So tell us about yourself.

Arnold - 4-9-2008 at 12:37 PM


I live in IJmuiden at the beach.
I have got a Beamer III 3.0mē.
And I've got some expierence with jumping the Beamer.
But im goign for a bigger kite and thought, maybe you guys can give me some tips in buying a kite.
I bought the Radsails Pro II 5.0mē and its on his way to my adress :D.
Do you guys got some expierence with the Radsails Pro II? Or got a Radsails Pro II 5.0mē?

Well, thanks for your time :D !

furbowski - 4-9-2008 at 02:35 PM

hiya arnold...

sorry I should've explained myself a bit with the first post, it was not clear if you had some kite experience or not, and seemed likely that you were a complete new person to the sport asking for a kite to jump on right away!

But BB came to the rescue with the right questions!

so you're not a complete beginner, and you've got some skills on one of the best beginner kites out there....

I'm sorry, I don't know the radsail pro kites, not too sure this forum has the info on those.

if you do a google search on "radsail pro 5 m kite" you'll get some good sources of information, especially from a couple of the other kite forums mentioned about five or six hits down...

5m is about the minimum size for controlled and reasonably safe jumping, you'll be able to try bigger kites and have things happen slower as your skills get better, but you'll also have to be wise about what winds you fly in... gusty winds that the 3m beamer flies in with no problem will be dangerous on a 5-8m kite!

take it easy and be patient!

and have a look at this thread, just so you are aware of the dangers... apologies if you've seen it already:


welcome to the forum, by the way...

and fly safe!

Arnold - 4-9-2008 at 11:31 PM

Okey, thank you.

I've looked some info up on the Forums, especially the German ones...
They're talking pretty positive about the kite, so we'll see what happens.
When I got some cool jumping pics I'll post them on the forum :D.

But on this forum there isn't anyone formiliar with the Radsails Pro II 5.0mē?
Well, I'll look for some further information.

Bladerunner - 5-9-2008 at 01:13 PM

Sorry Arnold,

Your 1st message read a bit like our most common 1st message from people.

"I'm new to this and just want to jump". Usually that person isn't willing to here us when we explain the advantages to starting out smaller. I'm glad we didn't put you off !

Radsail hasn't taken off over here. Some of their earlier kites didn't fly too hot ? I've heard they have gotten much better.

A 5m is a good all round size. Just big enough to start jumping and yet small enough to give you a good wind range. It is still a small kite for jumping so don't expect a lot of float once lifted. Re-directing the kite at the right time is the key to jumping with a kite that small !