Power Kite Forum

MY first repair and bridal questions for nasa

art_lessing - 10-9-2008 at 05:25 PM

So Iwent camping a while back and was showing off my legend 2.0 to friends and wound up snagging the top leading edge on a tent stake. The tear was pretty nasty in an L shape...and embarrassing ... well I gave a shot at fixing it and I am happy to report that it worked YAY!! I sewed on patch strips and had to seam rip a section larger than the tear..sew on more fabric and stitch it back...I used nylon upholstery thread..I flew it yesterday and it was good as new SWEET.....

I also want to report that my bridal for my NPW9 3.4 worked!!!.it looks cool too....but I have questions to throw out there ......what should I look for when I want to fine tune the kite? Is there a way to look at the wing in flight and tell what leg/s need to be adjusted? I used the 3.23 template for my 3.4 wing and I think the thing has more power than it used to but it might be simply more lifty....I am also flying this kite on a very short leash...I heard that this can be flown on bridals.....so I went to 35 ft. line...its fast but solid...anyway any ideas?


kitemaker4 - 10-9-2008 at 06:49 PM

Fly the kite on short lines or handles and you can see what is out of wack.

Susan (npw goddess)