Power Kite Forum

Libre Vampir vs PKD Brooza II ??

revpaul - 22-9-2008 at 09:44 PM

4m size.
i realize there is a Vampir II but I am looking at the Vampir.
quality material/ craftsmanship is cool but i don't have any sense for knowing the difference(s).
so, more interested in flight characteristics/handling in inland conditions w/ buggy. durability is key too.
tried macboy' s 7.5 Brooza II but it was a little big for the occasion.

Krohn1999 - 23-9-2008 at 11:54 AM

If you are going to be flying mostly inland take the Brooza II
It is alot more stable than the Vampire with the same speed.
The vampire is also a good kite but not as easy to fly. I Don't like the adjuster system that Libre uses, PKD did alot better job. Another kite you should take into concideration is the Reactor. If you put him on 16 to 18 meter lines he will be faster than both the Brooza and the Vampire, but with more lift. so it does depend on your flying prefrence, but I can tell you that I don't fly Vampires anymore but the Brooza II and the Reactor will stay in my bag for along time.

BTW The Vampire 2 is actually more a race kite than an intermediate but they classified it as an Intermediate so it would sell better. So if you are looking for serious speed and stability is not that important it would also be worth looking at.

In the end they are all good kites. go out and fly them all and see which one fits you best.

Hope this helps.

P.S. If you are flying a brooza in strong winds trim it a little flat and then you can fly a little longer before changing to a smaller kite.

lunchbox - 23-9-2008 at 12:35 PM


Another kite you should take into concideration is the Reactor.

Hi Revpaul,

I know it's not on your list of kites on the header but I can certainly recommend the Reactor as well. I have the 4.9, 6.4 and 8.3. I fly almost exclusively inland and they are very stable, powerful for their size, and the upwind is very good. Quality is good as well. Reasonable price point as well.

revpaul - 23-9-2008 at 08:17 PM

thanks for the tip on the Reactor. I will check it out.

ripsessionkites - 23-9-2008 at 08:54 PM

reactors are good kites ... one flier here has one. its user friendly and is race friendly.

dont have a demo, but could work something out. =)

revpaul - 23-9-2008 at 09:54 PM

Hi Rip,
don't need a demo, have nutt'n to compare with anyhoo. Just going by popular opinion.
What are the damages for a 3.8m complete vs. kite only? You have in stock?
talk with you later, bed time:bird:

Bladerunner - 24-9-2008 at 09:35 AM

Yes, We have 2 folks flying reactors. I think 4.9 and 8.3 ???? or something like that. I agree that they are a nice combination of stable and fast. I think I would take one over a Brooza ? Mine is a brooza 1 without bridle adjustment so not the best I have owned.

krumly - 28-9-2008 at 07:49 PM

Krohn1999 -

Not meaning to hijack the thread, but could you post a pic or two of a Brooza II bridle with the trim adjustment? I fly Brooza I's and have not been able to find any pics or info that would inform me in making a modificiation.

BTW, I've never flown Reactors or Vampirs, but I have to say I'm quite happpy with the Brooza I's as hi-wind buggy kites in Minnesota's gusty, turbulent winds. Also fun on skis.



Krohn1999 - 29-9-2008 at 02:47 AM

Here is a link to the Brooza II manual


Hope this helps.

If you like the Brooza I you have to try the Brooza II they are even more stable in gusty winds. I'll send you a U2U

Krohn1999 - 29-9-2008 at 05:58 AM

Forget to ask if you have the new bridle (colored lines) or the old one (White lines) If you need a new one let me know

krumly - 3-10-2008 at 06:46 AM

Thanks for the link. Looks like they used pics of a Buster II.

For the Brooza AOA/trim adjustment, I'm looking for pics of exactly which bridles get bundled where on the trim link. On many kites, the tips get bundled to one point, and it's not necessarily just a matter of all B rows go to one knot, all C's to another, etc. I could play around until I get it set, but I figured a close-up pic of how PKD did it for the Brooza II would save me time.

My Brooza I's have color-coded bridles. BTW, U2U'd you back.
