deezPANSHES - 26-9-2008 at 09:12 PM
Had a chance to use both.
Eolo on a 4.5 M legend and HQ on the 5M Scout.
Both turned the kites just as fast(not as fast as handles though)
HQ just has one release off D-loop. The Eolo has 2 releases. One on the D-loop and one on the killer wrist strap.
They both have almost the same feel flying static and bugging. but the HQ seems just a little smoother when turning the kite.
The only issue I ran into was the Eolo's pulleys that have the brakes roll through them, they float and can rotate 180 degrees and the brake lines get
caught on the opposite side of the pulley which causes the kite to fall and stops the kite from lifting back up(with the 4.5M Legend anyways)
The HQ doesn't have this issue, the pulleys are fixed to the lead lines off the bar .
The Eolo has and extra safety releases but issues with pulleys(which can be probably fixed by attaching them to lead line and stopping them from
floating and rotating)
The HQ doesn't have the safety release off the killer wrist strap
but has a smoother feel in flight and no brake line pulley issues. The brake line strap is alot farther out of reach than Eolo brake strap.
So far
I like the HQ crossover bar better.
I'm know expert on the 2 bars, this is just what I've found using the 2 of them.
Bladerunner - 26-9-2008 at 10:00 PM
My 5m ace liked a cross over bar as long as the wind was up. Not so much at it's bottom end I expect you will enjoy it on your 6 !
macboy - 26-9-2008 at 10:45 PM
That 6 is a BEAST! Last weekend I had brought mine out to see if he could diagnose it for me but didn't even unpack it after feeling the fury of that
thing! Best part - the clever guy says to me, "Here take this for a run in the buggy" which was followed shortly by me getting back OUT of the buggy
glad to have remained in contact with the ground ; )
revpaul - 27-9-2008 at 11:15 AM
he does that all the time
i'm 50lbs lighter than DEEZpanshes and he always ("try this one, it's perfect") get's me to try the particular kite size he using. i usually do:frog:
the last time i used the 6m Ace, i was pretty much power-sliding across entire field barely hanging on to the darn thing:singing:
had to tuck down wind elbow on inside of buggy side rail, when i could.:ticking:
deezPANSHES - 27-9-2008 at 07:29 PM
oh come on mac and rev, flying that 6M ace was like taking a poodle for a walk in the park on a nice sunny day :frog::moon: