Power Kite Forum

HQ Neo 11M - first flight

leebrianh - 29-9-2008 at 07:44 AM

I know there is another review of Neo but thought maybe I should start a fresh one. This is not really a review at this point as I only flown once on land. Just would like to share what I think about Neo.

First when I opened the kite, I was impressed with built quality and bridle system. Bridle is simple and lines are sleeved, makes it anti-tangle. I like that.

First launch, it felt like taking a little longer time to fill up than Pulse2 even with 6 air intakes (vs 2 air intakes Pulse2). Next time, I will pre-inflate it as much as I can.

Up in the air, I didn't find anything that I don't like except turning speed. It's slower than I am used to but it's something I can get used to. Could be good for "park n ride" style.

Safety system kind of sucks. In 30 min, safety system activated 3 times on me. I was thinking "there is no way I go in the water with this safety system" It's basically last year Ozone Frenzy safety system - should be good enough for land or snow use though. So, next day, I changed it to my own - I took some pictures and I will add them later here.

Another thing, kite bag. It has no pockets!!! They could have add at least one pocket...

It has potential and I will keep flying it, even in water later. I should provide better idea of water relaunch later. Also, I will add some pictures of my safety system modification here.

Special thanks to Don @ powerkiteplace.com for this demo kite. He is nice enough to let me fly it for a while. So, if anybody wants to demo near me (Newark, DE), just let me know. - Brian

acampbell - 29-9-2008 at 07:58 AM

Take the lower leader off the safety top-hat and it will not release accidentally as much. Beyond that, it's just a matter of getting used to it.

I can't compare turning to FS, but Tirdude thought the Neo turned faster. but you are right in that it is well suited to park and ride- had a lot of that this weekend.

I launched my 11m in 4-6 mph with no pre-inflation. Just kept it moving right away and pumped the center line a few times no problem.

DenisLaMenace - 29-9-2008 at 07:58 AM

Hi Brian

Good stuff.

I will have the chance to try the Neo 8m and 11m when my friend who resells HQ here comes back from Hatteras mid October.

When you talk about turning speed, what would you compare it to: Pulse1, Psycho3, Speed2 ??

Can't be turning slower than a Speed 1... What would you say.

Could you say something about flying speed, upwind ability, backstall, etc.. Or you need more flying time.

Security: you said you change to your own. What did you do ? Do you think the kite safety can be modified and improved easy enough in a permanent way, so it would make a good kite to add to your quiver.

Show us some pics from wildwood if you have...


leebrianh - 29-9-2008 at 08:25 AM

Curious to know what you think about Neo, Buzz. Let us know when you have a chance.

Turning speed, I would say same as Speed2. But again, I came from P4 10M (fast) and Speed2 19M (slooooow) so, it's necessarily a bad thing but something I will need to get used to.

Other flying characteristics you asked, I didn't find anything unusual. I had a great time buggying with it.

More comment on safety coming later today along with some pictures.

action jackson - 29-9-2008 at 08:44 AM

I will be testing them out this weekend too................aj

beachrights - 29-9-2008 at 08:48 AM

I am gathering info on the Neo- I like that it can be used in water and land- The HQ website looks like it does NOT recommend it for buggying. True? Why?

How does the 11m compare in size to a true land kite? same power as a what size meter? I would love to have a land kite that I could fly static on then jump on a board in and go in the water without landing or changing kites. I want to get on the water next summer so is this the way to go or stick with water/land kites?

DenisLaMenace - 29-9-2008 at 08:48 AM

Just thinking that the slow inflation could be a nice feature when self launching in medium high winds.

How much does the kite pull when not totally inflated.

Other question: does the kite have bow out valves like Flysurfer to prevent internal over pressure during a kite crash

PHREERIDER - 29-9-2008 at 08:56 AM

The safety thing up by the trim got me to when i gave it a go. I think it 's a landing system or something, i don't use a spike thing so it is a guess. good flying kite. def put on the water maybe remove the top release thing. solid rig with what i know. very similar the titan 9.5 in flight, the neo just had a better stability at the edge of the window. good for the money and range

acampbell - 29-9-2008 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by beachrights
I am gathering info on the Neo- I like that it can be used in water and land- The HQ website looks like it does NOT recommend it for buggying. True? Why?

Only because it can be lifty with lots of pop that could lead to an OBE. But I found the 11 m to be a great buggy engine in 12mph winds and could goa bit higher I'm sure with good control and de-power.


How does the 11m compare in size to a true land kite? same power as a what size meter? I would love to have a land kite that I could fly static on then jump on a board in and go in the water without landing or changing kites. I want to get on the water next summer so is this the way to go or stick with water/land kites?

I think near parity with maybe the power of a slightly smaller fixed-bridle foil, what with the slight added weight of the rig.
I have not yet had the local kiteboarders take it out on the water, but I think the 11m ill turn out to be a good all-around cross-over kite.

chris - 29-9-2008 at 02:27 PM

Originally posted by beachrights
The HQ website looks like it does NOT recommend it for buggying. True? Why?

It's a European thing. Most don't like to buggy with bars. If you like to roll with a Peter Lynn Venom or Synergy, you'll feel at home with the NEO.

One advantage to the slow inflation is the ability to 'hot launch' straight downwind without getting pulled off your feet, as it has little pull when not inflated. This comes in real handy if you are launching for water in a tight space. The NEO flags out and looks kinda ugly until it get closer to zenith when all the cells take form.

Pictures from my recent California tour ~



leebrianh - 29-9-2008 at 06:30 PM

Ok, as I promised, here are some pictures.

Before modification: Just like previous Montana or Frenzy

Actually, there was one yellow line that goes from red safety thingy all the way to bottom chicken loop ring, with a red ball at the end:

Right above that red ball, there is a little bump where two lines are connected. It kept being caught by a bar, activating safety system.

Here is after picture:

Basically. I disabled safety system and tied all lines. Now red safety system thingy is just a hadle grip so I can pull front lines better. Also, I added another line that extends front "Y" line all the way to chicken loop. Once activated, bar will be depowered all the way up, creating "super depower" mode. I haven't tested it yet but I imagine it will lose some power and falls off either side.

One thing I didn't like about factory safety system is this:

This red safety system has two holes unlike one big hole used in previous HQ and Ozone model. That flat hole in the picture is for a safety pin. I am thinking "how in the world am I supposed to put that little pin in this little hole when big waves keep hitting me???"

Factory safety system is a good idea for land and snow use but personally, I wouldn't take it to water as it is.

My mod could be a piece of crap as I haven't tested yet. If it works, I am taking this baby to water. Fingers crossed.

Oh, I finally found a pocket on the side of bag :smilegrin:

leebrianh - 29-9-2008 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by beachrights
I like that it can be used in water and land- The HQ website looks like it does NOT recommend it for buggying. True? Why?

I buggied with it and it was fun. HQ "should" recommend buggy as well in their website.

BeamerBob - 29-9-2008 at 06:45 PM

I buggied with it and I was fine. I flew it static for about 15 minutes and then Angus coaxed me past my fear and into the buggy with it. When I was using it the beach was getting covered up by the tide so I was doing short throws which isn't really it's element. If you are careful about how fast you send it up high, you would be fine in the buggy. I bet you could really send it down the beach with the high end they are publishing on this kite. The two smaller sizes are good over 30 mph. That's just amazing for kites that you could fly at 6-7, and no big deal to fly it with a small beach and an offshore wind with the kite out over the water. That opens up doors of opportunity that you might not buggy through with your open cell foil.

SecondWind - 29-9-2008 at 07:57 PM

Thanks for the update Brian,

My first Neo (8m) is due to arrive here tomorrow :thumbup:

I'll let you know how it goes,


chris - 30-9-2008 at 05:59 AM

Originally posted by leebrianh
Right above that red ball, there is a little bump where two lines are connected. It kept being caught by a bar, activating safety system.

I'd remove the extention of the safety release for use on water. It is too sensitive and intented for use with riders with short arms. The red 'trumpet' safety release works fine without the extention.

Originally posted by leebrianh
This red safety system has two holes unlike one big hole used in previous HQ and Ozone model. That flat hole in the picture is for a safety pin. I am thinking "how in the world am I supposed to put that little pin in this little hole when big waves keep hitting me???"

First - you must pull in the bottom lines a bit and secure the loops at the end of the bar extention onto the horns of the bar ends. If you don't do that first, you will have a real hard time resetting the safety without the kite wanting to power up and relaunch.

I don't find it that difficult to reinsert the pin into the hole on the trumpet.


leebrianh - 30-9-2008 at 06:13 AM

Originally posted by chris
First - you must pull in the bottom lines a bit and secure the loops at the end of the bar extention onto the horns of the bar ends. If you don't do that first, you will have a real hard time resetting the safety without the kite wanting to power up and relaunch.

Good point. I have had HQ Montana and Ozone Frenzy but always forget that there are loops at the end of control line to secure.

I might put everything back together if my mod doesn't work. Where is wind when I need it???

SecondWind - 1-10-2008 at 08:49 PM

Got to try out my 8m Neo for the first time today in light winds with the Dirtsurfer :smilegrin:

I agree with you Chris - I removed the safety extension also. I can still easily reach the safety and there is now very little chance of it activating accidently.

Can't wait to use it in better winds :thumbup:

Here's a pic of the bag:

Originally posted by chris
Originally posted by leebrianh
Right above that red ball, there is a little bump where two lines are connected. It kept being caught by a bar, activating safety system.

I'd remove the extention of the safety release for use on water. It is too sensitive and intented for use with riders with short arms. The red 'trumpet' safety release works fine without the extention.

Originally posted by leebrianh
This red safety system has two holes unlike one big hole used in previous HQ and Ozone model. That flat hole in the picture is for a safety pin. I am thinking "how in the world am I supposed to put that little pin in this little hole when big waves keep hitting me???"

First - you must pull in the bottom lines a bit and secure the loops at the end of the bar extention onto the horns of the bar ends. If you don't do that first, you will have a real hard time resetting the safety without the kite wanting to power up and relaunch.

I don't find it that difficult to reinsert the pin into the hole on the trumpet.


IMG_1414.jpg - 173kB

SecondWind - 1-10-2008 at 09:09 PM

And the back side:

IMG_1415.jpg - 178kB

SecondWind - 1-10-2008 at 09:10 PM

What is included:

IMG_1417.jpg - 176kB

DAKITEZ - 1-10-2008 at 09:49 PM

What do you guys think of the cleat style trimmer strap ? I didn't care for it on the frenzy and was really sad to see it on the Neo. It's not that it doesn't work its just harder to use than the strap.

I really liked the strap a lot better. I will most likely be switching my Neo's over to the straps when I order them in.

Pro's and Con's ??

acampbell - 2-10-2008 at 04:05 AM

I much prefer the cam-cleat over the double pull-pull trim straps that were often difficult to reach. It keeps the bar so clean and neat and is easy to reach at all times. The kiteboarders on our beach that have tried it prefer it too.

chris - 2-10-2008 at 05:55 AM

According to Jan Hendrik, Invento-HQ product manager, the factory should have put the safety extension as an extra item into the bag along with the manual and not have attached it to the bar ready-to-fly.

Here is a link to the instruction he refered to when I shared this issue:


Please note - the extention is only recommended for use on land, mostly for training. It was never built for jumping or for the use on the water.


leebrianh - 2-10-2008 at 06:31 AM

Originally posted by chris
According to Jan Hendrik, Invento-HQ product manager, the factory should have put the safety extension as an extra item into the bag along with the manual and not have attached it to the bar ready-to-fly.

It's good to see that HQ listens to end users :thumbup:

Regarding cleat vs strap, I prefer strap but it's just because that's what I am used to. acampbell has a good point on "double pull-pull trim straps that were often difficult to reach" as I sometimes experience that.

leebrianh - 2-10-2008 at 10:12 AM

This is what Chris was talking about - removing safety release extension line. Please see the attachment

Attachment: NEO_Remove_Extension.pdf (147kB)
This file has been downloaded 641 times

leebrianh - 2-10-2008 at 03:28 PM

ok, my safety system turned out to be a piece of crap :singing: It just depowers but that's all. Same effect as suicide leash so why bother.

So, I put everything back to factory except that safety release extension.

Today test wasn't a total loss actually. I had a chance to see how Neo reacts to in-land gusty wind and I like the way it does. In null, when it falls from the sky, it still keeps its shape well, I was able to recover 100% of time without tangle or bow tie.

Also, I took my time to fill up the kite on the ground before launch and it was nice and easy launch. No problem there.

I like the way it flies. Can't wait to go out to water. Next water relaunch test!

DenisLaMenace - 2-10-2008 at 03:56 PM

Originally posted by leebrianh
ok, my safety system turned out to be a piece of crap :singing: It just depowers but that's all. Same effect as suicide leash so why bother.

So, I put everything back to factory except that safety release extension.

Today test wasn't a total loss actually. I had a chance to see how Neo reacts to in-land gusty wind and I like the way it does. In null, when it falls from the sky, it still keeps its shape well, I was able to recover 100% of time without tangle or bow tie.

Also, I took my time to fill up the kite on the ground before launch and it was nice and easy launch. No problem there.

I like the way it flies. Can't wait to go out to water. Next water relaunch test!

Sounds good...:thumbup:

SecondWind - 2-10-2008 at 04:05 PM

Yeah - I think the 8m will be sweet also! I just need to get it out in more wind.

Originally posted by buzz
Originally posted by leebrianh
ok, my safety system turned out to be a piece of crap :singing: It just depowers but that's all. Same effect as suicide leash so why bother.

So, I put everything back to factory except that safety release extension.

Today test wasn't a total loss actually. I had a chance to see how Neo reacts to in-land gusty wind and I like the way it does. In null, when it falls from the sky, it still keeps its shape well, I was able to recover 100% of time without tangle or bow tie.

Also, I took my time to fill up the kite on the ground before launch and it was nice and easy launch. No problem there.

I like the way it flies. Can't wait to go out to water. Next water relaunch test!

Sounds good...:thumbup:

IMG_0974.jpg - 176kB

Bladerunner - 2-10-2008 at 04:08 PM


I'm in no hurry to replace my 7m Pulse but wonder if you could compare the 8m Neo with it ? I think you owned a 7m Pulse at one time ???

I expect I'll be going for the 11m if and when I make the leap. Simply because it will fit between the 7 and 13.

SecondWind - 2-10-2008 at 04:16 PM

Bladerunner - I had a 7m Pulse 1 and a 8m Pulse 2 before.

Still need to fly the 8m Neo more to give a comparison. But so far I think it is going to be perfect for me.

Bladerunner - 3-10-2008 at 08:01 AM

Thanks Davinch.
I realized it was early to ask but wanted you to be thinking about how they compare as you get used to your new toy !

Of the Pulse and Pulse II what one would you go back to and why ? I haven't had hands on a Pulse II yet but have a feeling the 7m Pulse may be a bit more user / beginner friendly ?

SecondWind - 3-10-2008 at 06:46 PM

I would go for the Pulse 2. I really enjoyed the 8m and 10m I had here.

A bit more depower and even more stable than the Pulse 1 in really crappy/gusty winds.

Remember - I'm just an average rider (skis/dirtsurfer) so my views may be a bit different than the other guys ;)

Originally posted by Bladerunner
Of the Pulse and Pulse II what one would you go back to and why ? I haven't had hands on a Pulse II yet but have a feeling the 7m Pulse may be a bit more user / beginner friendly ?

Bladerunner - 4-10-2008 at 09:20 AM

Thanks again Davinch !

I get the feeling we like the same things in a kite. This makes me very intersted in your opinion of the 8m Neo.
I have never had the pleasure of flying a better kite than my 7m pulse. It's almost unthinkable that things get better :dunno:
It sounds like we just may be getting some Neo's way up here :thumbup: I haven't been this interested in a new kite ever? This one has my attention :yes:
People in Van are just waking up to the advantages of depower on land so I'm a bit on my own ! :crazy:
Why be NORMAL :bigok:

leebrianh - 4-10-2008 at 06:46 PM

Just came back from Buggying @ Wildwood with Neo. WOW. HQ definately SHOULD add Neo as buggy engine.

It is a very stable kite. No tip-tuck at all. I took out the safety extension line per HQ recommendation and no accidental release any more. Perfect!

One thing I would like to share with you guys. You know the break line that goes between two control lines? That you use to park the kite on snow or land? I tried reverse launch today (on sand) and it was ok but because of that line in the middle, I couldn't release one control line more than that break line length (because it's holding both control lines together) making the process slow. Without that line, I could pull one line more, making it turn faster, which is essestial in water relaunch.

So, I am taking that line off for water use and save it for snowkiting or landboarding use later.

Great time today for sure. Here are some pics:



SecondWind - 6-10-2008 at 04:21 PM

Only have good things to say about the Neo so far :thumbup:

Easy to launch/land solo, good turning speed and fantastic depower. Now I just need an 11m also :smilegrin:

DenisLaMenace - 6-10-2008 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by DaVinch
Only have good things to say about the Neo so far :thumbup:

Easy to launch/land solo, good turning speed and fantastic depower. Now I just need an 11m also :smilegrin:


Does it depower like a Pulse2 ?? I had the impressions from what I heard that it's not as much as FS ?


SecondWind - 6-10-2008 at 07:22 PM

I think the amount of depower is similar to that of the Pulse 2.

Also, the safety works very well in big winds (only tried land so far).


Originally posted by buzz

Does it depower like a Pulse2 ?? I had the impressions from what I heard that it's not as much as FS ?


T-Bone - 5-12-2008 at 06:43 PM

hi, i am very interested in the neo. I weigh only 135 and love big air and good hangtime. i need a kite that is stable and can go anywhere. is this the kite for me. the 11m seems like the preferred size. Does it really have good lift?

T-Bone - 5-12-2008 at 06:45 PM

Oh ya, and i have a pretty tight buget.

Bladerunner - 5-12-2008 at 07:27 PM

Perhaps the BEST deal you will find is on one of the used Flysurfers people all seem to be selling right now. There are a few in a few price ranges. Also some deals on Peter Lynn arcs have been popping up.

The Neo just came out so buying new is about your only option right now. That said, HQ's price for new is very good!

I am extremely fond of my 7m Pulse. I'm shocked at how cheap they are going. AMAZING bang for buck :thumbup:
While the 7 may be a bit small I was amazed at how well I can do in low winds by taking advantage of the kites speed. I can work a ride out of it in 12mph winds. I haven't run in to too much wind for it yet ! :yes:

The 7m Pulse and a large fixed bridle make a pretty good, compact 2 kite quiver. You can pick up a big old F.B for $2 - 250 ish ?

If you deal with a Canadian right now you should BOTH come out happy. The exchange rate is insane ! You are getting a 20+% discount on the exchange.

Both of the Guys selling the 7m Pulses are straight up ! Buy with confidence!

T-Bone - 5-12-2008 at 10:12 PM

thanks bladerunner for the advice. i will check those out. i live in an area where the wind speed is generally light. 7-12.

i have had my eye on the 11m neo. Should i be looking at the FS pulse2 or pulse 12m? :smilegrin:

Bladerunner - 6-12-2008 at 12:33 PM

I'm not sure what the cost on the Neo is new ?
Doesn't sound like either of those 7m Pulses will be big enough ! Too bad, they are the real deal when it comes to bang for buck.

With Flysurfer starting out at such a high ( and justfied ) price it seems like the Neo's new price is competetive with the second hand price of the Pulse II's and Psycho III + IV's ?

Please correct me if I'm wrong with that ( or any ) statement .

If I'm on track with the costs and your needs. You may end up having to decide between the 2. With the Neo you will have a new kite with a warranty and a good relationship with an established dealer. With Flysurfer you will get a kite with a proven history. One that arguably has more extra features built in to protect you and your canopy. You will be buying from a trusted seller ( if you buy on here ) but won't have a warranty to fall back on ?

The Neo's may hold a good second hand value if they live up to the hype ! People should end up very interested in picking one up and wiil probably pay a good price for used , for a while at least. I had some crazy idea that the Flysurfers would hold there value a bit better but I was wrong on that point for sure !

This is one time buying new kind of makes sense even from a budget driven need ? I agree that the 11m would probably serve you well !

acampbell - 6-12-2008 at 12:44 PM

Neo 11m will launch in 5-6 mph and do real well in 7-12 mph, but the low end requires steady wind, of course. Retail is $1059.00 USD

kiteNH - 6-12-2008 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
I'm not sure what the cost on the Neo is new ?

$849.00 6 m
$949.00 8 m
$1,059.00 11 m
$1,169.00 14 m

Bladerunner - 6-12-2008 at 12:55 PM


I think that I'm not too far off with the second hand Flysurfer vs. new Neo theory after all ?

Only History will prove if the original second hand value of the Neo is high. I guess that depends on how well it performs !

One of the extras that impressed me with the Flysurfers is the pound rated tear away tabs on the canopy. I would expect that if and when I get a Neo I would pick up a set from Flysurfer or make my own and put them on it.

T-Bone - 7-12-2008 at 10:33 AM

Thanks for the info. i think the 11m neo is the answer. That is kinda what i thought all along, but just needed to make sure from some more experienced flyers.

This, at least for now is going to be my primary kite. And i have a savings started for it already, hopefully not to much longer. :spin:

MadKiteBoy - 7-12-2008 at 06:56 PM

Angus hooked me and my dad up with one of these and i LOVE it.
took it out today in about 8kts and had an absolute blast boarding and flyin static

T-Bone - 8-12-2008 at 07:20 PM

Madkite boy- sweet! ya, angus is a great guy. i just got a mystic blazer harness from him. but anyway, how was the lift and hangtime on that 11m neo?

MadKiteBoy - 8-12-2008 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by T-Bone
Madkite boy- sweet! ya, angus is a great guy. i just got a mystic blazer harness from him. but anyway, how was the lift and hangtime on that 11m neo?

in about 10kts standing static and bringing the kite straid overhead then powering up prolly about 4-5ft and about 3-4 seconds... i got a little bit more when i would run and bring it across though... its and absoulute blast :wee:

T-Bone - 8-12-2008 at 08:39 PM

cool. this is it. i'm saving. ;)

MadKiteBoy - 9-12-2008 at 01:10 PM

awesome... Enjoy!!:D

yugga - 16-5-2009 at 11:34 AM

some advice please. how to launch in high winds? in the manual it shows a partner holding it up like an lei kite. but i find it possible to get it to this level of pre inflation.

i have the 11m. till now ive been using it to land board in light winds. no problem there just self launching straight into the powerzone. I though i would try it on the water today. I left it across the wind in about 18 knots weighted down for 10 minutes. didnt really inflate much.

my friend held it up as best he could but when he released it went straight into the powerzone and trashed me on a pebble beach. i put it straight back in the bag!!!

i guess not depowering it before launch was one mistake but there must be a way of launching it safely at the edge of the wind window!! but to do this i imagine it must be nearly fully inflated before launch.

also could you put a leash on it in the end? the trumpet was too far away to grab quickly whilst being dragged through the pebbles. if so wheres the best place to attach to? the landing strap?

ragden - 16-5-2009 at 12:40 PM

For launching in high winds, go perpendicular to the wind direction, and launch it sideways, taking it across the window slowly then bring it up. You can do this without it being fully inflated. In fact, it might work better that way as it will not be powered up as much. I tend to launch things straight downwind, but I turn them very very quickly to keep from getting lofted. You will need to find the system that works best for you. The sideways launch is what most people do in high winds. If you do this slowly and carefully, it can be a very safe way to launch a big kite in high winds. :)

yugga - 16-5-2009 at 12:51 PM

thanks man. thats what we tried but it just nailed me. do u do that on your own or with assistance? i guess i'll just practise it somewhere a bit softer! i find that if its sideways with little pre inflation it doesnt really do much when you pull on the bar. just stays on the ground!

acampbell - 16-5-2009 at 01:02 PM

When it is not fully inflated, it is not powerful and can be hot launched into the window. Grab the center lines and pull enough for the leading edge to come up and pre-inflate just for a bit, then launch. It will be like a limp jellyfish with the tips tucking a lot. Move it around a lot left and right until the tips don't tuck and you're done. By then you are safely at the zenith.

I found landing in high winds to be difficult without a helper or a pole. I once flew in winds that built to 20 and I found myself running out of de-power in the buggy so I went to put it down. Popping the safety landed it fine but on the ground I could barely hold my own ground with out being dragged into the dunes. A helper stood behind it, unzipped the zipper and let it fold around her. If alone in wind like that (not a good idea) I would have had to set up my big windsock so I could have let it fold around that.

A leash to the brake handle would have been a good idea, too. Then you could probably land at the edge of the window, dump the whole bar and kill it on the brakes while it rolled into a ball, but that would be a mess.

mgatc - 16-5-2009 at 08:25 PM

All good advice here. I gather from you post that you had the kite powered? I ALWAYS make certain the kite is fully depowered (cleat line pulled all the way in) before launching regardless of the wind. It helps to keep you from getting yarded in strong winds and it allows the kite to fly faster in light winds which helps it to inflate more quickly.

I cannot recall a time when my NEOs have been fully inflated on the initial launch. First launch is always "soft". As Acampbell stated above, use the center line to "pump" the kite up through the window. This also prevents you from pulling on the bar which can cause either a back stall or added power at a bad time. There should be very little power from the kite while it is soft. Working it left and right at the zenith will facilitate inflation. Quickly jerking the bar left and right helps mitigate the tip-tuck common in soft launches.

Subsequent lauches with a fully inflated 11m NEO can be sketchy. I try and launch about 45 degrees off the wind. As the kite is lifting I am already turning it to the edge of the window and from there to the zenith. In this configuration, if you do get "snatched" it will be brief as long as you continue to direct the kite to the edge. This is where a helper can in fact hold the kite near the edge like an LEI.

Interesting that you mentioned the inablitly to reach the release. I have always believed that this is a design flaw with this kite/bar that HQ should address. I often wonder how I would reach the release if I were being dragged or if the kite somehow ended up flying at the end of the leash. The short answer is that I would not be able to given its location so far above the bar. I take it that you have removed the secondary release extention? If you bought the kite new, it should have come already attached. This release is easy to get to but the general advice is to remove it to avoid in-advertant or unplanned releases. As I write this, I am considering putting the secondary release back on. I would really like to have the primary release right above the chicken loop where I know I can get to it.

This is a wonderful kite. I had a brilliant time on mine at JIBE in 12 to 14kts. Please do not relegate it to the bag! It is quite manageable in the wind that you described. It is also quite powerful as you have discovered. Practice safe kiting techniques. (Sorry, don't mean to sound preachy)


yugga - 17-5-2009 at 12:11 AM

thanks mg. Have u used it on water ? What do you mean by if the kite ended up on the end of the leash? Mine didnt come with a leash. How is yours configured?

acampbell - 17-5-2009 at 04:25 AM

the Neo and other HQ de-powers are offered as "leashless" safety but this is a questionable practice, IMO. I will hook a leash to the brake and harness a' la Ozone.

mgatc - 17-5-2009 at 07:26 PM

When I first flew the 8m, the winds were light and the kite would luff and sink. During one of the luffs, the chicken loop dropped off of the hook. When I powered it back up, the bar was jerked out of my hands and the kite took a bit of a free flight. Quite scary actually watching the kite floating toward other beachgoers and houses. Thankfully it dropped in the dunes and other than a foot FULL of sandspurs, no harm was done.

I solicited advice on this forum about the use of a leash with these kites and was severly chastised for having not used it. Since then, I always attach a safety leash to the small figure eight loop just above the chicken loop. The leash does have its own secondary release if the need to completely cut away from the kite has occurred. I'll have to ask Angus about hooking the leash to the brake....I haven't seen it done this way but it sounds safer than what I am doing.

I also moved the donkey dong so it would engage the hook more securely and have not had any more problems with inadvertant un-hookings.

My son and I are just starting our water kiting. We have not used the 11m yet but I am confident it will do fine. We played with the 8m doing body drags and it performed well. Re-launching from the water was very easy.
