Power Kite Forum

just started 4 line

ch70 - 5-10-2008 at 11:27 AM

Just started flying a 4 line kite. Only been once but had dificulty launching it until I wraped the power lines around the handles effectivly shortening the lines. If I then unwraped them again the kite just depowers. Do I need to permanantly shorten these lines (how do I do this) or was it just because of the conditions (was very windy).

acampbell - 5-10-2008 at 03:28 PM

Put a knot in the top leaders and move the larks head knot on the flying lines up to them.

Bladerunner - 5-10-2008 at 07:25 PM

All else being equal , your lines should be equal in length.

You want your brakes to hang loose in a slight arc with the handles relaxed. If they are too loose the kite won't respond much to brake input but SHOULD fly as a 2 line would. It is when the brakes are too tight or uneven that almost all your problems appear. The kite won't lift off , won't fly overhead or wil spin like crazy.

Put 2 knots in your leaders at the handle. Start with both at the farthest knot. If you find you need more brake move the lines back on the brakes. Less brake. move the fly lines back !

I wonder if you are gripping the handles correct ?
I put my index finger above the fly line and middle finger just under. I fly on those 2 fingers and add brake with the bottom 2 when required. My bottom of my handles handles are usually loose and sort of pointing at the kite when I'm not using them ?