PHREERIDER - 10-10-2008 at 04:51 AM
Goldendmd has moved into the id PHREERIDER.
BeamerBob - 10-10-2008 at 05:48 AM
Welcome to the forum again Chad! How did you come up with that one? PHree like Phish and Phat I guess.
PHREERIDER - 10-10-2008 at 06:08 AM
just putting a twist on the ordinary. i have a head full junk like that... practically useless but allows expression in some form.
plus it's really what i am doing, just hookin 'a ride on planet energy. we are all harvesting from the sun. we are all planet energy masters,
just at a rudimentary level.
BeamerBob - 10-10-2008 at 06:26 AM
yes, once you have the tools, the ride really is "Phree". Thats one of the cool things about it all.