Power Kite Forum

strop release

Windeavor - 15-10-2008 at 03:22 PM

Just received this Wichard release today. This is an awesome little piece of hardware and very well built!

Wichard.jpg - 24kB

WELDNGOD - 15-10-2008 at 03:26 PM

How well does it release under load? Looks good enough, where did you appropriate that beauty?

Windeavor - 15-10-2008 at 03:50 PM

It releases really well under serious load and will not jam like the pin version can. Under full body weight pressure which is nothing for this release, it opens with no effort at all and quickly. Was turned on to this particular model by our European kiting mates.

Shopped around and found a sailing chandler locally that had a very decent price. Almost 1/2 what West Marine charges.


WELDNGOD - 15-10-2008 at 04:21 PM

I'm gettin one ! That is a nice rig, at a nice price. Thanks for sharin' Bro'.

50 good wind karma pts. for you! :thumbup:

DAKITEZ - 15-10-2008 at 05:34 PM

Yes, thanks for sharing.

what pulley block are you going to use?

SCREWYFITS - 15-10-2008 at 07:19 PM

These I agree have the highest load release for all the wichards... the only problem I have with these is it makes the pulley (block) so far from your chest/waist and in turn shortens the travel of your handles... otherwise they are a fantastic wichard and hope some day they incorporate them into a snatch block...

bbrex - 15-10-2008 at 07:29 PM

this is what you do with it. grind pin out of the block and use a screw that way you don't use a shackle. you can't get any shorter than this. I've used this one for nearly 4 years.


Windeavor - 15-10-2008 at 08:46 PM

DAKITEZ I'm currently using an inexpensive block, but have ordered a climbing pulley that opens for easy removal from the strop.

bbrex thanks for sharing your rig. Nice setup!

SCREWYFITS - 15-10-2008 at 09:21 PM

Nice rig and thanx for the great tip... what block is that?

quick release & block

bbrex - 16-10-2008 at 03:36 PM

Here is the link to the topic on this forum that I posted with all the info


krumly - 16-10-2008 at 11:26 PM

Here's my take on a similar setup to Brad's, from the same thread actually:


It's a bigger Holt Allen block, and the Wichard bail releases through the block. I use it like this with a strop for fixed bridle kites. For depower kites, I prefer a Loos heavy duty continous stainless thimble at the end of the depower line instead of a chicken loop. The Holt block goes away,and the thimble clips into the Wichard. Let's me keep the bar close to my body - very much appreciated with the long throw needed for a PL Guerilla II! I can still use a chicken loop in the spreader bar hook if needed.

Note the 1/2 ring TIG welded to the Wichard for attaching a leash. The Wichard doesn't spin really well for untwisting the front lines and leash, but at least it turns, and you can help it with your hand.

Zloty dislikes the Holt Allens - as a buggy jumper, he says he's broken too many of them. Sounds like Brad has no issues with them, nor do I. I'm not around sand much on my buggy, so can't speak to bearing life.


Windeavor - 17-10-2008 at 08:27 AM

bbrex and krumly could you comment on how the Holt Allen block holds up to sand intrusion?
I'm assuming there are bearings on both sides of the block wheel. My concern is without bearing seals it looks like it would be pretty easy to load it up with sand at the beach, and a challenge to clean as a result.

bbrex - 17-10-2008 at 04:23 PM

Not a problem, been using the same one for about 4 years in the sand and when I drop it in the sand; wet or dry I just knock it on my leg and it comes out. I fly hot-wired with heavily modified libre fullrace that weighs in at almost 150lbs. I weigh 190 and I have never had a problem with it.

Windeavor - 17-10-2008 at 06:40 PM

good to know thanks!

WELDNGOD - 7-11-2008 at 04:43 PM

bbrex,Thanks for the info about QRs, I just ordered my QR and holt allen block. What harness do you use? I was just gonna use a Blackhawk rappelling harness. No pads, but those are for sissies!!;)

bbrex - 7-11-2008 at 07:24 PM

I don't use a harness. I fly hotwired.

krumly - 7-11-2008 at 07:46 PM

Hey, Brad -

I remember your written description of your buggy and single kite killer setup from another post, but could you post a pic of it? The whole thing, not just the Wichard and Holt assembly.


flexiblade - 7-11-2008 at 08:56 PM

curious to what you mean by hotwired?
(The Venom is awesome by the way)

bbrex - 8-11-2008 at 09:31 AM

Hot wired is when you connect the kite to the buggy in some fashion. There is a way to do it very safely, which I use, and most all others are extremely dangerous. My system is activated through a system which automatically disconnects my QD from my tow points on my buggy with one distinct arm motion. It is simular to the one used in New Zealand but I have improved on it a bit more. I don't want to get into it any more than that. It takes many hours to get everything adjusted just right so the system works properly. I have used this system now for 4 years and have never had a close call, although I do activate it periodically so I don't have to think about it when or if I should have to use it. This system is for experienced buggiers only, as it is a little complicated until you get used to it. There are some inexperience buggiers on this forum that would try to duplicate it and try to cut corners on the setup and I don't want to be responsible for them getting hurt, it took me many many hours of changing the lengths and type of lines used to get it to as safe as it is. I don't mind sharing the info to those experienced enough, either privately in email form or at NABX etc., as long as they are responsible enough on not sharing it with those that don't completely understand each and every safegaurd that it employs.