NPWfever - 23-10-2008 at 02:24 PM
Well, after sitting in the back of my closet for a while, I pulled it out again, when I got the bar and lines with my Access, I figured it would work
well, and I may as well finish it. And if it doesn't work, I can convert it back to fixed bridle. I tuned the mixer, so when the mixer is at neutral
the kite is at a neutral, it used to have the AoA the kite originally had. And I lengthened the wingtip bridles, so it has the original canopy curve.
I was gonna fly it today, but my alarm never went off, and I woke up at 1:30...and I'm meeting the gf at 3:30, oh well, tomorrow if its windy.
I flew it off the bridles though, and it looks great!
macboy - 23-10-2008 at 03:40 PM
Let me know how it goes Nick, might be worth it on my Ace.
NPWfever - 23-10-2008 at 07:14 PM
Yeah, putting a mixer on is pretty straightforward, but because of the way the Ace is bridled, it's cascade, you need to convert it to standard
bridle, that was the major pain, the mixer only takes an hour or so, I think the rest of the Pansh's are standard bridled, so it would be easiest on
f0rgiv3n - 29-10-2008 at 08:47 AM
Didja get a chance to try that bad-boy out yet?
NPWfever - 29-10-2008 at 02:27 PM wind when I'm free, and plenty when I'm at school/working. I THOUGHT FALL IS SUPPOSED TO BE WINDY!!!! :ticking:
macboy - 1-11-2008 at 12:01 AM
Hey Nick, can you shoot me a link to where you found the depower mod or did you figure it out on your own?
furbowski - 11-1-2009 at 02:37 PM
get it in the air yet?
I keep meaning to try the mod on mine, as well...