Power Kite Forum


dcbpowerkite - 8-4-2003 at 04:39 PM


I have been buggying over a year now.. and would like to purchase a harness to give my arms a rest!! Any suggestions for a reasonably priced harness suitable for buggying?

doomwheels - 22-4-2003 at 11:17 PM

If you have been buggying all this time without a harness, you are yet to experience the true potential of the sport.

Here is some info on Prolimit harnesses. They are my personal favorites though I find it difficult to locate ordering info. Good luck.



Wickedrevs56 - 27-8-2003 at 10:07 AM

Have you found your haness yet???-- we have been using the HQ harness-- it is all nylon webbing, has dual leg straps (so as not to crush the jewels!!) --has a roller hook-- very adjustable, comes one color(black)LOL! LOL!
and reasonable in price-- I have them in my shop if you are interested-

karl - 21-10-2003 at 07:51 AM

well worth the buy,brilliant harness