Power Kite Forum

Foil Flying Technique Question

mgatc - 31-10-2008 at 10:07 AM

2 Newbie scenarios with questions on flying de-powered foils

Just recieved my 8m and 11m NEO (I'll follow up soon with a review from a Newbie perspective along with props for a few mentors:thumbup:)

Is there a technique for preventing the kite from overflying the zenith? When I park the kite overhead to step on the kiteboard, it flies through the zenith and ends up behind me. I assume this means very good upwind capability which it great. I simply don't know how to manage it in this scenario. If it is not preventable, what is the technique to get the kite back overhead or slightly out front?

Secondly. Should the anchor stake be placed in the chicken loop or through the brake line loops? I put it in the chicken loop and the kite auto-launched, albeit, de-powered.

Just thought of somthing off topic. Now that I actually have some semblence of a "Quiver", how do show it on my forum posts?


leebrianh - 31-10-2008 at 10:32 AM

Hi there.

1. I flew 11M Neo but overflying never happened to me. There are some knots where the center line meets depower system. Try to move it to closer to the kite.

2. There is a cross line that ties both control line. In the middle of that line, there is a small hole you can put your kite stake in. You pull that cross line to chicken loop and secure it along with chicken loop.

Hope it helps. - Brian

awindofchange - 31-10-2008 at 10:36 AM

Yup, like Leebrianh said, stake the cross line up on the brake lines right in the middle, don't stake the chicken loop or the kite will launch on you.

If the kite is overflying then that usually means you have it sheeted in way to much. Try adjusting like Leebrianh has mentioned, if that doesn't work then power the kite up a little with your adjuster strap (clam cleat) and that should help keep the kite a little more under control.

The NEO is super stable so if your lines are properly set up and tuned you shouldn't have any problems at all with it overflying, unless you are in some seriously gusty conditions and have the kite on the extreme edge of the window.

Hope this helps, let us all know your perspective on the NEO when you get a couple rides under your harness. :)

Bladerunner - 31-10-2008 at 11:30 AM

Go to user control panel in the top right of the screen. Then choose edit profile and add your quiver to the signature box !

I expect you will LOVE you Neos once you get comfortable.

2 simple things to try and stop overflying. Power up a bit more on you trim strap. Pull the bar in a bit when it approaches the edge.

I launch with a lot of depower and then trim it so that the kite will sit nice with no hands at zenith.

USA_Eli_A - 31-10-2008 at 11:33 AM

only one other thing, Instead of kite at the zenith, fly it over to 10 or 2 o clock, slightly to the side, if you take a luff your kite will stay out in front and won't overfly

Bladerunner - 31-10-2008 at 02:00 PM

Good point Eli,

Truth is I do sit it overhead to set the trim but it is NEVER safe to leave your kite at 12:00. I pay a lot more attention to that rule if I'm well powered.

USA_Eli_A - 31-10-2008 at 02:03 PM

cheers BR

mgatc - 31-10-2008 at 04:48 PM

Hi All,

Thanks for all the advice. Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been offline.

I found the location for the brake line anchor.
I will try moving the trim line in one knot.
I didn't consider the ramifications of parking the kite at 12:00. I'll try keeping at at 10:00 or 2:00 with a little adder power. I was launching fully de-powered.

I will follow up soon with a review from a Newbie perspective. I'm not on the water yet so that will will have to come later. Initial impressions are certainly favorable, however, the lite winds we were flying in did not allow the kites to perform to their full capability.


Bladerunner - 1-11-2008 at 09:51 AM

Sounds good,

Flying in low wind is a bit counter intuative. You actually want to be a bit on the depowered side . Push the bar out while traveling through the window to speed it up. Pull in a bit as you get to the edge for faster turning + to slow it down.

There is a lot of good info on www.kitesurfingschool.

We all hot launch but it is a bad habit. If you are out in a good wind learn how to launch from the side of the window. It's the right way !

macboy - 1-11-2008 at 12:33 PM

My brother in law has become a natural at launching from straight downwind but getting the kite out to the edge seemingly before it's finished leaving the ground. I still have to launch with a weighted kite at the edge.