Power Kite Forum

what to use for axles/crossbolts

teklife - 29-10-2004 at 05:33 AM

i have the skates, i have the wheels, now i need to buy the 4 rods, still not sure where to, and the axles. i know i need steel for the rods, what do i do for axles; i don't see the info on the build your doomwheels article.


doomwheels - 29-10-2004 at 06:12 AM

Typically, the wheels come with axles. If they don't, you need to find long, no-head bolts that will fit through your bearings. I used 1/2 by 6 inch bolts.

Here is a place you can order metal for the skate rails (wheels/axles too):
Skate rails- part #8910K178, wheels and tires- pages #1198-1199.

More resources here:

teklife - 30-10-2004 at 10:52 AM

ok, one more thing and i think i'll be toally done. the washers/spacers? which ones do i need to get and where do i get them cut? sorry if this is a stupid question, once i get the final pieces, hopefully the next post of mine will be pics of my new doomwheels! then, i just need to learn how to skate, not as easy as i thought it'd be, i freakin' SUCK at it. i look like a retard up there, and i used to skateboard most of my life, doesn't help a bit i don't think. cheers

doomwheels - 1-11-2004 at 05:51 AM

The spacers are only used to position the skate boot between the rails so there is not a lot of force one them. Therefore you can make spacers yourself buy cutting pieces of aluminum or PCV tubing. The tube diameter only has to be larger than the bolts that will run through it.

Regarding skating... it feels awkward to stand on skates 6 inches off the ground and takes a lot of leg work to skate around a parking lot, but when you hook into a kite using it as the power to sail across a field, it all suddenly makes sense and any awkward feeling is gone. Good luck!