Bladerunner - 7-11-2008 at 12:51 PM
So it looks like we have little choice but to fly in the rain for the next while. I hope to use this chance to hit the water again with plenty of wind
over the weekend.
Has anyone got experience with Flysurfers in the rain ?
DenisLaMenace - 7-11-2008 at 01:05 PM
once with the P3 10m on the water
become wet heavier and slower, tough to relaunch
kitemaker4 - 7-11-2008 at 01:07 PM
Get a nasa wing not a problem when wet since it is a single skin kite.
Susan (npw goddess);-)
domdino - 7-11-2008 at 01:22 PM
Yeah i used to fly my p3s in the rain all the time in england, i actually love flying in the rain it feels great but it does make flysurfers heavier
and a bit slower and definitely harder to relaunch, i also never flew them in heavy rain just drizzle... fun
Bladerunner - 7-11-2008 at 03:04 PM
My 13m is tough enough to flip when dry. Fortunately, it looks like I'll have enough wind to use the 7m ! It flips easy when dry !!
I have never heard of anyone using NPW's on the water ? Do you actually use yours for surfing Susan ??? Would my 4.8 be big enough ?
PHREERIDER - 7-11-2008 at 04:11 PM
just had a full rain session couple weeks back on my PL kite ,(not FS, but closed cell) posted about it ...
totally fun... wet, start to finish, 15mph i think, on the water real nice flat section.
around 2 hours,
would not think twice about it .......the only stopper...sparky sparky or inconsistent wind from deluge of rain
NPWfever - 7-11-2008 at 04:13 PM
ARC's should fly fine, very few inlets, and designed to drain water, IDK if FS's do the same, but if I had a FS and a tube, in the same windrange, in
the rain, I would fly the tube.