Power Kite Forum

Strop quick release

WolfWolfee - 12-11-2008 at 07:36 PM

I was looking around at mountaineering stores and sailing places and came across this little beauty. Just add a cord with nice little round ball and away we go.
Tell me what you think?



Sthrasher38 - 12-11-2008 at 07:43 PM


BeamerBob - 12-11-2008 at 07:46 PM

I have one similar to that and it works fine every time. I tied a cord with a big knot on it and it is easy to grab.

WolfWolfee - 12-11-2008 at 07:58 PM

I like the added clevis pin fits on to my split pulley real nice and they are cheap...wahoooo:cool:

lunchbox - 12-11-2008 at 08:36 PM

I believe this particular Quick release has some release issues under load. Do a search for Wichard or quick release on this forum and you can find additional information. Kiteforum also has a lot of information on this type of release (release failures).

Didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, just thought you should know.

revpaul - 12-11-2008 at 09:04 PM

yeah wolfee,
if you get a Wichard rig set up I'll copy your outfit.
gotta get some strop experience.

WolfWolfee - 12-11-2008 at 09:43 PM

I'll pick up a couple next week there $20.00 a piece the block I got from Mountain Co-op, I will show you.

BeamerBob - 13-11-2008 at 04:46 AM

Originally posted by lunchbox
I believe this particular Quick release has some release issues under load. Do a search for Wichard or quick release on this forum and you can find additional information. Kiteforum also has a lot of information on this type of release (release failures).

Didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, just thought you should know.

I had heard this as well, but tried in vain to get it to not release. No matter the angle or with full body weight on it, it spit me out every time I touched the pin. Does anyone know the conditions that caused this reputation to get started? I'd rather not figure it out on my own.

WELDNGOD - 13-11-2008 at 02:34 PM

Bob , I'm thinkin that the stainless is galling over time w/ use and grit. When new the pin and hole are nice and shiny,after a bit,all scarred up and grabby.I have an old one that doesn't work that well anymore. And it is really scratched up.
I have a new one on the way, got it from milwaukee rigging on e-bay for $51.50. They showed that they had 4 left,,but they pulled em off the market. I think they saw others for $70+. I have a Holt Allen snatch block ordered too.

c103_1.JPG - 21kB

BeamerBob - 13-11-2008 at 03:06 PM

Wow, that's some difference. Mine was $18 plus shipping on ebay. Sure does work good now. I'll keep an eye on it and test frequently.

WELDNGOD - 13-11-2008 at 03:46 PM

Maybe keep the hole lubed w/ a little grease, not alot, but just enough to prevent galling. In marine apps you always anti-seize stainless hardware before assy.. I have seen brand new hardware gall up on someone before they could ratchet it together, we had to cut it off w/ grinder! All because the boy did not put anti-seize lube on it first.
The down side is , you could paint a car w/ a spoonful! A little tiny bit, can get all over ya. So I wouldn't use AS compound, but axle type grease.
If ya look close Bob ,Mine has no pin. But it ain't cheap! Then again, orthopedic guys ain't free either. So what's 100 bucks for the best QR that isn't on the market.
I'm copyin BBrex's QR idea,I think it looks the best I have seen yet. My wichard release should arrive tomorrow , snatch block has been backordered, maybe another wk or so. Then I'll put it together. Still need to braid up a paracord lanyard w/ a turks head on the end. I'll use red paracord , so you can't miss it.

I'm gonna use a rappelling harness to hook into. But was wondering if anyone ever used a chest harness instead?

WolfWolfee - 13-11-2008 at 06:05 PM

You can get them in bass too, which shoulod clear that issue of galling

WELDNGOD - 13-11-2008 at 06:34 PM

The tensile strength of brass is too low for this kind of app., bronze would be a better option. But with either, corrosion will be unsightly.

BeamerBob - 13-11-2008 at 07:08 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD

I'm gonna use a rappelling harness to hook into. But was wondering if anyone ever used a chest harness instead?

I think you wouldn't want the pull from that high up. I want to use my climbing harness in the buggy and see if it is more comfortable and less bulky than the mystic. It put a little too much squeeze where you don't want to be squeezed while static flying standing up. Maybe the buggy is a little different. I want to strop up next chance I get on the beach. I have a petzl pulley that I'll try with the release.

WolfWolfee - 13-11-2008 at 07:20 PM

The brass one is rated for 3000 lbs

WELDNGOD - 13-11-2008 at 07:25 PM

check this out, I can get it for 36 bucks too.

blackhawk-tactical-rappelling-harness-black.jpg - 15kB

WELDNGOD - 13-11-2008 at 08:16 PM

mailman was late today, this came today. It's small, but has a functional limit of 2430 lbs. All I need is a holt allen block now.

1113082203.jpg - 180kB

lunchbox - 13-11-2008 at 10:32 PM

Weldngod has got the release I want...no known issues with this one....! Good price you got...those aren't cheap!!

Bladerunner - 14-11-2008 at 10:00 AM

Kyteslinger ( sp ) uses a chest harness.
There was some discussion on it and He posted a picture last spring.
Try the search engine !

WolfWolfee - 14-11-2008 at 10:33 AM

man is that ever small, don't think it woould hook into my harness if that is a penny

BeamerBob - 14-11-2008 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
check this out, I can get it for 36 bucks too.

Can you say "Squeeze the boys"? Or maybe "mash em" would be better. Those are wide straps heading into the nether regions.

Windeavor - 14-11-2008 at 12:58 PM

Check out this thread as well.


WELDNGOD - 14-11-2008 at 08:37 PM

wolfee, It's a Quarter ,The wichard is 2.75 in. long. I got the small bail version. But when I attach the holt allen block it should be just right. I found this on a certain asian forum http://www.spiritofsky.de/chucky/start.php Tryin to wrap my head around how the wichard and the chicken loop hook up. I get the OBE safety, but I don't speak german, so I have no clue on this one!
Bob, I have rappelled w/ a harness like that and it's not that bad. And being in a bug , the pull will be from above and the side. But you would not wanna hang around in it for long. The leg straps would only come into play if lofted. I don't use a harness for static.

macboy - 14-11-2008 at 09:38 PM

Wolfee - I've got the Wichard shown - not the pin kind. Actually, the leash that came with my Venom has the pin kind and it scares me. I ended up paying about $90 for the Wichard from Nautical Reach here on Calgary Trail North. If we hook up tomorrow I'll bring it so you can have a look see.

revpaul - 14-11-2008 at 11:33 PM

wolfee if you already bought a QR for me I'll pay you for it.
i'd like to see mac's wichard too.
i hope to see you guys tomorrow but i'm feel'n a little off. it's off to bed hoping i don't got a stomach flue. if i make it i'll shoot for on-site time of 9-ish. a little early cuz i gotta be back in leduc by 13:00. if i don't make it Derek will be there (maybe a little later). south east corner of range road 235 and Airport rd.

krumly - 17-11-2008 at 09:56 PM

Wichard 2673, like Weldngod bought, or a 2773 (same thing, but bigger swivel eye). $51.50 is a good price - Annapolis Performance Sailing in the States is one of the better priced rigging shops, and I think they are getting around $70.00 for them now.

Wichard makes nice piston shackles, but don't hang your life from them. I mentioned in several earlier posts I had one seize on a headsail on my Holder 20 once, and I care for my gear, keeping hardware washed down and lubed with MacLube Sailkote or Lanokote. Piston shackle I'll risk on the boat, but not something I'd clip into.


WELDNGOD - 19-11-2008 at 09:07 AM

Looky what I found! Auction still on, if ya want one.

WELDNGOD - 19-11-2008 at 09:10 AM

another one

WolfWolfee - 19-11-2008 at 11:42 AM

Thanks, U da man

BeamerBob - 19-11-2008 at 11:49 AM

Well, I was winning for about 2 hours.

WELDNGOD - 22-11-2008 at 06:23 PM

finally got mine done,had to go west marine for the holt allen1375 block. when I was there I saw The large bail version for 121.00dollars!! Holy crap!
I made my own safety lanyard out of paracord,with a knot on the end so I can make an OBE lanyard . This thing releases with the quickness,even under load.
Thanks bbrex and krumly, for the great system.:thumbup::thumbup:

1122081934.jpg - 248kB

WELDNGOD - 22-11-2008 at 07:26 PM

Oh yeah, Check this stainless chain spreader bar I made.

1122082033.jpg - 248kB

macboy - 23-11-2008 at 01:20 AM

SIIIICK! That's awesome WG! You should make a chain depower bar (like a chain steering wheel only 100 times cooler ; )

BeamerBob - 23-11-2008 at 05:34 AM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Oh yeah, Check this stainless chain spreader bar I made.

WG that is just knarly! Won't see many of those at the beach. It won't break will it? :saint:

WELDNGOD - 23-11-2008 at 07:28 AM

The chain is 2"x1 1/4"x 1/4" link 316, it won't break, back side of chain is welded together. You could tow a truck w/it! It is just a bit heavier than a regular spreader bar. I have some more chain, I'll check into the de-power thing Hmmmm.... Bbob, you gonna try and win that wichard tomorrow? Every buggier needs one of these QRs, they are sweet. Can't wait to try mine:roll:

Quik release

WolfWolfee - 28-11-2008 at 07:38 PM

Finally got mine together, trying her out tomorrow.

Quick release rig.JPG - 47kB

kitedog - 29-11-2008 at 07:07 AM

Check this bad boy out!

[img]http://www.powerkiteforum.com/gallery_image.php?action=view&iid=265#pictop[/img] (Ok...whats the deal with posting an image?)

I use it with a climbing harness in combo with a Holt pulley block or just clip the Wichard directly to the chicken loop on my depowers.

The red balls are kinda comical considering where they dangle!

Question slightly off topic: Where can I find an adjustable strop? I use a windsurfing harness line and its a fixed length. Unfortunately, it's slightly long.


WELDNGOD - 29-11-2008 at 07:42 AM

KD ,I don't know if this will help, but here goes .
If you get some rope,cord or webbing and snap shackles or carabiners,you can make your own adjustable lanyard(to an arborist, it's a flipline). tie one snap on one end of rope or web. Then run the rope through the other shackle ,tie a Blakes hitch(tree climbers knot)
to the center of the rope. Now you have a sliding knot that you can adjust the distance between the snaps. This is how old school tree climbers adjust their fliplines for bigger or smaller trees.

popeyethewelder - 29-11-2008 at 09:42 AM

This is my set up

Captive System

WolfWolfee - 29-11-2008 at 01:36 PM

very nice, like the added swivel.

Popeye you wouldn't know the specs for cutting down a Flexi extended tube for a goose neck would you? I got them from someone before and can't find them.
