My mom asked me what I would like for christmas and I decided getting a good lid is a good idea especially since Ill be on the ATB
I have always liked the Protec helmets I had and figured I should get another one.
Once I got on the website I got all googely eyed at all the helmets and have no idea what way I want to go. Skate, water, bike....
:roll::puzzled:DAKITEZ - 16-11-2008 at 05:41 PM
I use a full face moto-x helmet for the buggy and a HQ helmet (basically skate board style) for flying static.kitemaker4 - 16-11-2008 at 07:01 PM
I have full face bmx and skate board helmets.
Susan (npw goddess)dgkid78 - 16-11-2008 at 07:05 PM
I use a SnowBoarding helmet, cause of the warm ear things that can be useful in winter and they come off in summer. dunno if thats top notch safety
since it's designed for snow. but it has been heavily tested as i have landed on my head or superman'd over a half dozen times when i first was
learning depower. :wee:WolfWolfee - 16-11-2008 at 07:37 PM
I have a open face for just cruising and a full face for stunting and crazy days. One is a Giro, couple people I know have the ones for the I-pod and
really like them.
Nice light well ventilated skid lids. IMHOdgkid78 - 16-11-2008 at 08:12 PM
What what what? whatta you mean people have ones for the ipod? I have to look into this. My Ipod always comes with me when i fly. I know this might
sound weird but if i don't feel the gusts and the wind on my ears, i get more balls to go faster and higher. i get into a zone. when i ain't got em on
or the playlist ended i feel naked :roll: weird huh? since alot of people prefer to hear the wind.WolfWolfee - 16-11-2008 at 08:31 PM
The I-pod plugs into the helmet with built in speakers and I've not heard anyone complain about them.deezPANSHES - 17-11-2008 at 12:57 AM
I use a Netti full face downhill mountain bike helmet light, tough and well vented
anytime I'm on wheelsBeamerBob - 17-11-2008 at 07:49 AM
I love my music, but I've never felt inclined to listen while flying. I like to hear the wind blowing, the lines singing, the sounds that the buggy
tires make when they roll over the ground. I guess I'm listening for anything that could bite me and kinda feel naked if I can't listen for changes.
If I ever had a chance to park and ride for miles in steady conditions, I might let my guard down a little and be able to relax and enjoy the music.
I certainly wouldn't want earphones in if I'm flying with someone. Not being able to hear them ask or tell me something even in casual conversation
would be a downer. And if I need to talk to someone, I'd need to land or somehow get the music off or the earphones out. Then its all to be fixed
again. Just my opinion.
EDIT: By the way, I use one of the hardshell Bell skate helmets. Got whacked with the buggy tire on a slow speed rollover on Saturday, right in the
head too. My neck didn't like it but the impact was all spread out due to the helmet. Unless I have a steady wind that'll just barely roll me, I
don't get in the buggy without my helmet on. I'm also thinking about the fullface option as well. I tend to "go for it" and my buggy and I are about
280 lbs. so that's lots of momentum.acampbell - 17-11-2008 at 08:48 AM
I like the Bell bike helmets. Well ventilated for the hot Georgia summers but still strong. And Bell will replace them for about $20 when you whack
it, so long as you return it with description of the incident so that they can use it for R&D.
I have a 661 full face downhill helmet but can't wear it for half the year due to heat._____ - 17-11-2008 at 12:08 PM
Sweet thanks guys.macboy - 17-11-2008 at 05:41 PM
I've got a Giro snowboard helmet (perfect for the cold snowkite days - pretty hot in the summer). I bought the TuneUps ear pads which are built in
speakers. That, and my iPod Shuffle clipped to the ear straps and I've got a self contained audio experience on my head with a kill button on one side
to mute the speakers. I usually wait until i've got a feel for the days wind and my reach lines before hitting the music but feel that it adds a whole
new dimension to my flying. Agro when it needs to be, blissful peace when the wind's just right, calm and sedate for packing up (or walking back ; )archkiter - 17-11-2008 at 06:10 PM
Originally posted by dgkid78
I use a SnowBoarding helmet, cause of the warm ear things that can be useful in winter and they come off in summer.
Ditto for me!kitedemon - 18-11-2008 at 05:39 PM
I use a full face bike helmet (pryme) I like it a lot I have had a face plant or three :P and been really glad I had it as i think I would have
broken my jaw in one accident. I have a snowboarding helmet I love but now don't use I instead wear a thin hat under the bike helmet to keep my head