I have a 2M legend and a 2.5M Razor
we get into some gusty winds (50 to 70 km/h) and the 2M and 2.5M has crazy pull
Just wondering if it would be worth getting a 1.2 to 1.5 M kite or would that size be to unstable to fly with in high gusty winds.
was looking at the ozone and flexi kites but I know theres alot of other brands out there.
is there any 1.5 M kites out there designed to fly in high gusty winds.centex_buggier - 19-11-2008 at 10:05 PM
I like my 4m Ozone Access for gusty days. It fits right between my JoJo RM+3 and Little Devil 1.5. The problem with my little devil is that it zips
around very quickly, but the buggy speed tops out at about 30MPH. It needs a minimum of 30mph winds to get powered up and it does not go up wind very
well no matter how windy it is.
I fly the access in 25 to 35mph and it is powered very well. Because it's a depower, it doesn't pull anything like the razor 2.5 in gusty conditions,
but you can still hit speeds over 50mph if the conditions are right. You can't expect it to power up in less than 20mph, but it won't pull you out in
the big gusts.
Steve.WolfWolfee - 19-11-2008 at 10:12 PM
You'll have to try the 1.9M Century, very quick and very controllable. Maybe this weekend, hear there going to be lots of wind.ripsessionkites - 20-11-2008 at 03:10 AM
your 2m or 2.5m would be perfect for those winds ... i suggest simply to buy a shorter line set than another kite if you're trying to save in the
pocket book.kiteNH - 20-11-2008 at 07:09 AM
I've got one of these. I've landboarded with it in strong winds. I don't know what "50 to 70 S-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s" is for wind though. Is that knots?
I wouldn't fly anything in that. I like the Profoil in strong winds. Its twitchy until you get the hang of it, but I had a good time landboarding.
I had a little trouble getting up wind but I was probably a little bit underpowered because it was really my first time out on the landboard when I
used it.doublespeed360 - 20-11-2008 at 08:28 AM
i don't like kgb in strong winds but when in a buggy i use a1.7 echo or 2.2echo or 2meter sami by ozonedylanj423 - 20-11-2008 at 09:19 AM
I would assume that the "S-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s" referred to above are kilometers per hour.. so 50- 70 would be roughly 25mph winds to 35mph winds.
I think:dunno:Bladerunner - 20-11-2008 at 10:42 AM
Maybe it is just me but ..... I HATED my 1.5 profoil as a high wind engine.
I find kites this small don't create a smooth enough power to be all that enjoyable ? Sort of a little snap of power as it speeds through the zone,
whip it back and repeat .
I didn't think I would enjoy any kite smaller than 3m but am pretty happy with the 2.5 profoil in huge / clean winds ? I'm also pretty impressed with
the 2m Ace ? With it's small vents it may serve well in Alberta winds?action jackson - 20-11-2008 at 10:44 AM
Ohh! 10m venom in those winds are a hoot! Let those zippers fly!................ajBeamerBob - 20-11-2008 at 11:18 AM
i had the 1.5 profoil and it was small enough to be pretty busy in high winds. I used it more for training newbies that weren't ready or heavy enough
for my Beamer. The Sami 2m I have now is gonna be the bomb in 20mph and above. The power from such a small kite is incredible and it is large enough
to not be so angry.
My newly acquired 2.5 profoil fits right in beside the Sami for slightly less wind when the Beamer might be a tad too much or not enough upwind
performance.WolfWolfee - 20-11-2008 at 11:57 AM
the wind speed for you Yankee's...lol is 30 to 50 mphWindeavor - 20-11-2008 at 12:55 PM
I grew up in BC and remember well when we switched from standard to metric in Canada.WolfWolfee - 20-11-2008 at 02:58 PM
lol,,, you forgot to mention soggyBladerunner - 20-11-2008 at 03:06 PM
Originally posted by DragOn
I grew up in BC and remember well when we switched from standard to metric in Canada.
We're STILL switching Windeavor - 20-11-2008 at 05:41 PM
lol...yeah it messes with everyone when we go up to visit family.WolfWolfee - 20-11-2008 at 06:12 PM
people in BC don't tan, they rustBladerunner - 21-11-2008 at 09:16 AM
How can I politely include " at least we don't have to shovel it " :singing:
Man, I get tired of hearing that !
Originally posted by WolfWolfee
people in BC don't tan, they rust
PrairieWind - 21-11-2008 at 04:31 PM
On the 1.8m Century note, www.awindofchange.com has the 1.8m Century on clear out for $68.95.PrairieWind - 21-11-2008 at 04:50 PM
Unfortunately it wasn't windy during my all to brief visit to Vancouver. Two of the crew that I did meet could hardly be considered rusty in any way.
They are mostly Aluminum - the Apex for sure won't rust. I got to check out their local riding spot at Garry Point. Too bad the weather didn't
Who needs an umbrella when you can hold a kitewing over your head?kiteon - 21-11-2008 at 05:27 PM
2m ozone cult or imp you wont be disapointed
popeyethewelder - 24-11-2008 at 01:11 PM
In 30mph winds the 2.5 Century is like a wasp on crack, and get it in the wrong position on a turn and it will sting you hard.....in gusty winds it is
quite dangerous, I for one would not ever contemplate a 1.8m
For those winds I bought a 2.5 Rage, that was a lot more user friendly, I still felt I was controlling the kite, where as the Century I felt almost
the reverse.
But for me the kite of choice for LUMPY off shore winds 30mph plus is without doubt the 4m Access, so forgiving and so responsive, and does exactly
what you want it to do WHEN you want it.